Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

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Sizwe Banzi Is Dead Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Buntu reluctantly do after Sizwe suggests that they let whoever's there know what's happened?
(a) He walks back to the bar.
(b) He asks someone to call the police.
(c) He asks the man his name.
(d) He gets the man's passbook.

2. Where is Sizwe when he introduces himself to other people on the night he went to the bar with Buntu?
(a) Out on the street in front of the bar.
(b) In the back alley of the bar.
(c) Outside of Buntu's house.
(d) Outise of Buntu's car.

3. What does Buntu proceed to to after explaining about the dead man's book to Sizwe?
(a) Takes the dead man's money.
(b) Take the dead man's clothes.
(c) Takes the dead man's book.
(d) Walk away.

4. When Buntu finally fetches the book, what does he first tell Sizwe?
(a) The dead man's visa status.
(b) The dead man's age.
(c) The dead man's home town.
(d) The dead man's name.

5. By what name does Sizwe introduce himself to the people outside of the bar?
(a) Mister Siswe Banzi.
(b) Mister Sizwe.
(c) Brother Banzi.
(d) Mister Bansi.

6. When Sizwe finally hands his passbook to Buntu, what does he say at that moment?
(a) What's in the book doesn't make him a man, but that it goes with you everywhere anyway.
(b) That this book is his life, as ridiculous as that may seem.
(c) That this book makes him less of a man.
(d) That Sizwe is not Sizwe, but Jacob.

7. What is a common theme between what Styles went through to get his shop and what Sizwe would have to go through to get a new passbook?
(a) Dishonesty.
(b) Bureaucracy.
(c) Pain.
(d) Failure.

8. How does Sizwe respond to Buntu when Buntu asks him for his passbook a second time at the end of Part 4?
(a) He laughs and hands it over.
(b) He acts as though he has lost it.
(c) He begins to run away from Buntu.
(d) He refuses to give it over.

9. Why in Part 4, does Buntu try to get Sizwe to leave the street outside the bar quickly?
(a) Because his wife will call soon at his home.
(b) Because he wants to go to another bar.
(c) So he can get good night's sleep for work the next day.
(d) So as not to get caught by police.

10. What does Sizwe say in response to Buntu's concern over Sizwe's passbook?
(a) That it is important not to tell anyone about it.
(b) That he should forget about it.
(c) That he wonders about the possibility of being able to get another one.
(d) That it is not important.

11. What is Sizwe's angry question to Buntu when Buntu decides to leave the dead man alone?
(a) Does Buntu care about family?
(b) Is Buntu strong enough to carry his own karma?
(c) Is this what Buntu would do if HE was dead?
(d) Would Buntu enjoy dying himself?

12. According to Buntu, what would make him dig his own grave?
(a) Learning his family had been killed.
(b) Losing meaning of life.
(c) Living alone.
(d) Continuing to talk in the way he had just been.

13. What does SIzwe drunkenly wish to Buntu when Buntu decides to leave the dead man's body behind? .
(a) That Buntu could go home to his family.
(b) That Buntu could have a heart.
(c) That Buntu was dead.
(d) That Buntu would forgive himself.

14. At the end of Part 4, what does Buntu collect after Sizwe drunkenly stumbles off?
(a) The money of the dead man.
(b) Sizwe's clothes.
(c) Sizwe's passbook.
(d) The dead body of the man.

15. What is Sizwe's first question to Buntu?
(a) "Why is there so much trouble everywhere?"
(b) "Where is his family?"
(c) "What will become of them?"
(d) "Where is he from?"

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of trouble did Buntu also run in to although he was born in the area?

2. What does Buntu says he sympathizes with Sizwe for?

3. At what affair did the preacher speak, according to Buntu?

4. What does Sizwe show Buntu at the beginning of Part 3?

5. After explaining to Siswe his thoughts on death, what happens to Buntu's mood?

(see the answer keys)

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