Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At which movie theater does Ouisa say she will meet Paul to take him to the police?
(a) The Waverly
(b) The 42nd Street
(c) The Kip's Bay
(d) The Union Square

2. What is Sidney Poitier's first wife's name?
(a) Claire
(b) Juanita
(c) Sheila
(d) Pat

3. How does Trent ironically describe his rich friends to Paul?
(a) Hopelessly romantic
(b) Hand to mouth
(c) A lost generation
(d) Desperate and longing

4. What information does the Detective bring to Flan and Ouisa in this section?
(a) He is transferring off the case
(b) Elizabeth will press charges
(c) Sidney Poitier has called him
(d) Paul has been captured

5. Which of the assembled children in this section takes exception for what he perceives as an unspoken accusation of drug use?
(a) Ben
(b) Doug
(c) Tess
(d) Woody

6. What news does Tess blurt out to Ouisa in this section?
(a) She is getting married
(b) She is dropping out of school
(c) She is gay
(d) She is pregnant

7. Which actress does Elizabeth fear she resembles too much?
(a) Sophia Loren
(b) Liv Ullman
(c) Katherine Hepburn
(d) Ingrid Bergman

8. What adjective do Flan and Paul repeatedly use to describe the dull part of art dealing?
(a) Drab
(b) Gray
(c) Grotty
(d) Blase

9. In which play by Anton Chekhov does Rick say he wants to be the lead?
(a) Ivanov
(b) Uncle Vanya
(c) The Cherry Orchard
(d) The Seagull

10. Where does Doug go to school?
(a) Harvard
(b) Cornell
(c) Dartmouth
(d) Columbia

11. What does Tess suggest her mother should have done with Paul?
(a) Slept with him
(b) Have him arrested
(c) Adopt him
(d) Never let him in

12. In the second excerpt from This Life that the parents read, what does Poitier warn his readers against doing regarding their children?
(a) Protecting them
(b) Condescending them
(c) Smothering them
(d) Ignoring them

13. At the end of their first meeting with their children, Flan protests to Tess that she is not a part of a conspiracy but what?
(a) A family
(b) A secret
(c) A relationship
(d) An understanding

14. How many high school friends does Tess estimate were into drugs, gangs, and homosexuality?
(a) 4
(b) 15
(c) Too many to count
(d) None

15. Which of the following terms is not something that Dr. Fine accuses Paul of being?
(a) A crack addict
(b) A thief
(c) An imposter
(d) A fraud

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of the following is not among the "charges" the Kittredges and Larkin list to the Detective regarding Paul?

2. What type of law does Kitty's "friend" practice?

3. How does Flan characterize himself when explaining his life to Ouisa in this section?

4. In this section, Doug tells his father that his mother says sleeping with him was like sleeping with what food?

5. According to Kitty what famous starlet used the alias Harriet Brown at hotels?

(see the answer keys)

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