Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is not a college that Paul lists Flan's "new" children attending?
(a) Andover
(b) Yale
(c) Columbia
(d) Harvard

2. Which of the following is not an adjective the children use to describe their parents' request in this section?
(a) Humiliating
(b) Racist
(c) Hateful
(d) Pathetic

3. Through what letter of Trent's address book does Paul get before leaving him?
(a) L
(b) P
(c) F
(d) S

4. What does Tess suggest her mother should have done with Paul?
(a) Never let him in
(b) Adopt him
(c) Have him arrested
(d) Slept with him

5. How does Trent ironically describe his rich friends to Paul?
(a) A lost generation
(b) Desperate and longing
(c) Hopelessly romantic
(d) Hand to mouth

6. What does Paul say he wants from the Kittredges in this section?
(a) Freedom
(b) Acceptance
(c) Friendship
(d) Money

7. To what literary character does Ouisa compare Trent Conway in this section?
(a) Madame Bovary
(b) Scheherazade
(c) Henry Higgins
(d) Iago

8. Who spits on Flan at the end of this section?
(a) His doorman
(b) The hustler
(c) A policeman
(d) Ouisa

9. How were Dr. Fine's parents killed?
(a) In a mugging
(b) In a house fire
(c) In a plane crash
(d) In the Holocaust

10. In the second excerpt from This Life that the parents read, what does Poitier warn his readers against doing regarding their children?
(a) Smothering them
(b) Protecting them
(c) Ignoring them
(d) Condescending them

11. Which actress does Elizabeth fear she resembles too much?
(a) Sophia Loren
(b) Katherine Hepburn
(c) Liv Ullman
(d) Ingrid Bergman

12. At which movie theater does Ouisa say she will meet Paul to take him to the police?
(a) The Union Square
(b) The 42nd Street
(c) The Kip's Bay
(d) The Waverly

13. Which of the following is not among the "charges" the Kittredges and Larkin list to the Detective regarding Paul?
(a) He sent them flowers
(b) He made them dinner
(c) He told them about Catcher in the Rye
(d) He claimed to be the son of Sidney Poitier

14. Which Greek playwright is Ouisa said to have mockingly mentioned after seeing Cats?
(a) Aristophanes
(b) Aeschylus
(c) Sophocles
(d) Euripides

15. What type of specialist is Dr. Fine?
(a) A podiatrist
(b) An obstetrician
(c) An osteopath
(d) A pediatrician

Short Answer Questions

1. At the end of their first meeting with their children, Flan protests to Tess that she is not a part of a conspiracy but what?

2. On what holiday do Larkin and Kitty witness Rick's suicide?

3. What is Sidney Poitier's first wife's name?

4. Who else's death do Larkin and Kitty witness the week they see Rick's?

5. Which of the following is not a course that Flan lists as necessary to becoming a high-end art dealer?

(see the answer keys)

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