Six Degrees of Separation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Degrees of Separation Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 116 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. To what mythological figure does Ouisa compare Geoffrey when she describes him?
(a) Midas
(b) Jason
(c) Creon
(d) Theseus

2. Which of the following characters tries to leave in the chaos of applying first aid to Paul?
(a) Paul
(b) Ouisa
(c) Geoffrey
(d) Flan

3. What does Paul compliment about Geoffrey after the latter comments on dinner?
(a) His buds
(b) His etiquette
(c) His eyes
(d) His nose

4. What does Paul's thesis conclude is "God's gift" to us (34)?
(a) Hope
(b) Other people
(c) Free Choice
(d) Imagination

5. As Ouisa considers the idea of being murdered in her sleep, what does she wonder aloud?
(a) Would it hurt
(b) Would she go to heaven
(c) Would she wake up
(d) Who would find her

6. In what country did Wassily Kandinsky die?
(a) France
(b) America
(c) Germany
(d) Russia

7. Who calls the Kittredges soon after Paul leaves?
(a) Their daughter
(b) The Japanese buyers
(c) Geoffrey
(d) Paul

8. At the beginning of this section, Flan describes a painting by what artist?
(a) Cezanne
(b) Manet
(c) Seurat
(d) Van Gogh

9. According to Flan in this section, Geoffrey has recently sold a print by what modern artist?
(a) De Kooning
(b) Bacon
(c) Hockney
(d) Pollock

10. Where do the prospective buyers for Flan's Cezanne live?
(a) Hong Kong
(b) London
(c) Munich
(d) Tokyo

11. What film option does Flan think may be a nice alternative for Paul's father's movie?
(a) Black and white
(b) 3-D
(c) Animation
(d) Silent

12. To what object does Ouisa compare Geoffrey's money in this section?
(a) A beacon
(b) A lawnmower
(c) A lifeboat
(d) A mustang

13. Which of the following is not an ingredient listed in the dish Paul prepares?
(a) Spinach
(b) Olives
(c) Sun-dried tomatoes
(d) Tuna Fish

14. What request does Paul make of the Kittredges before leaving?
(a) That they not tell his father
(b) That they lend him more money
(c) That they forgive him
(d) That they forget the whole incident

15. What word does Paul repeat over and over as Ouisa tries to wake him in this section?
(a) No
(b) Ouisa
(c) Help
(d) Yes

Short Answer Questions

1. What valuable item has Paul lost in the mugging?

2. Where on his body has Paul been stabbed when he enters the Kittredges'?

3. At the end of this section, who does Flan think Ouisa will say is God's name?

4. What is the first item in the room that Flan checks in Act 1?

5. In what country are the coal miners whom Gorbachev is cheering, according to Ouisa?

(see the answer keys)

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