Six Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Six Plays Test | Final Test - Medium

Florence Henrietta Darwin
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 115 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "The Autumn Garden", who says "Come back to me without shame in wanting to"?
(a) Crossman.
(b) Nick.
(c) Nina.
(d) Constance.

2. According to Fanny, who is in California?
(a) Her sister, Agatha.
(b) Her friend, Jenny.
(c) Her niece, Birdie.
(d) Sara's husband.

3. What time of day does Sara confess to not liking?
(a) When she first awakens.
(b) In the middle of the night.
(c) Late evening.
(d) Right before she goes to sleep.

4. What train is Nina planning on taking to leave?
(a) The 10::45.
(b) The 11:10.
(c) The 12:15.
(d) The 9:30.

5. Who yells at Nick to get the "hello out of here"?
(a) Nora.
(b) Constance.
(c) Sophie.
(d) Mrs. Ellis.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many languages do the Muller children speak?

2. Approximately how is the Farrelly country house from Washington, D.C.?

3. What is Ben's weekly salary from his father?

4. Where does Lavinia want to build a little schoolhouse?

5. Who does Ben refer to as a drunken crook?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why is Oscar angry at Sam Taylor in "Another Part of the Forest"?

2. What is the description of Kurt that Teck has?

3. What are the details of Ben's blackmailing of his father?

4. Discuss Max from Kurt's perspective.

5. What situation has Rose so upset in Act I of "The Autumn Garden"?

6. What does Oscar want to do with his life?

7. Where is the location of the Tuckerman home featured in "The Autumn Garden"?

8. What packages has Marthe brought to the house in Act II of "Watch on the Rhine"?

9. Why is Lavinia so upset in Act I of "Another Part of the Forest"?

10. What is Constance doing and how is she dressed when Act II of "The Autumn Garden" begins?

(see the answer keys)

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