The Sisters Rosensweig Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sisters Rosensweig Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Pfeni tell Gregory about Sara's opinion of their relationship?
(a) Sara thinks the couple should break up.
(b) Sara thinks it is time for the two of them to finally marry.
(c) Sara thinks they should go to counseling together.
(d) Sara thinks they are a perfect match.

2. What play does Pfeni quote from when she and Geoffrey are speaking at the beginning of Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) William Shakespeare's Hamlet.
(b) Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.
(c) Anton Chekhov's Three Sisters.
(d) Anton Chekhov's The Cherry Orchard.

3. What cause do Tom and Tess support?
(a) An anti-war manifesto.
(b) A social revolution in Eastern Europe.
(c) Animal rights.
(d) An artist's movement.

4. How does Sara deflect conversation about social conditions?
(a) She talks about Hong Kong.
(b) She talks about her latest shopping spree.
(c) She talks about her relationship with Geoffrey.
(d) She talks about Jewish food.

5. What does Gorgeous say about Sara after their exchange about the ceremony?
(a) She says Sara is a shining example of a faithful Jew.
(b) She says Sara should lead the ceremony next time.
(c) She says Sara misspoke some of the words during the ceremony.
(d) She says Sara is a hard woman.

6. What is Tess listening to when Pfeni arrives?
(a) British punk music.
(b) A book on tape.
(c) A song with deep personal meaning to her.
(d) A recording of a women's chorus her mother used to sing with as a young woman.

7. Why doesn't Tess take the statue of Shiva?
(a) Tess's boyfriend would disapprove.
(b) Tess says Sara needs it more than she does.
(c) Tess is not superstitious.
(d) Tess is Catholic.

8. What does Merv do as a profession?
(a) He manufactures fake fur.
(b) He manufactures statues like the one of Shiva.
(c) He makes wigs for actors.
(d) He is a theater director.

9. How could the amount of time Pfeni and Geoffrey spend together be categorized?
(a) They have a very specific arrangement to only see each other every other weekend.
(b) They spend much of the time apart.
(c) They see each other only on their yearly vacation.
(d) They spend all of their time together.

10. What sort of mother did the sisters Rosensweig appear to have?
(a) An absent mother.
(b) A critical mother.
(c) An alcoholic mother.
(d) A warm and supportive mother.

11. According to Geoffrey, he is responsible for educating Pfeni about what?
(a) Art and theater.
(b) Philosophy.
(c) Indian mythology.
(d) Jewish history.

12. What does Gorgeous say about her current situation in London?
(a) It is very educational.
(b) It is very tiring.
(c) It is very exhilierating.
(d) It is very lonely.

13. What do Sara and Nick discuss during the party debate in Act 1, Scene 3?
(a) The economic reperscussions of the Concert of Europe.
(b) The beautiful Sabbath ceremony.
(c) The plight of displaced Jews.
(d) Nick's attraction toward Gorgeous.

14. What does Sara do as a profession?
(a) She sells real estate in London.
(b) She manages a bank.
(c) She works as a consultant.
(d) She is a researcher.

15. How do Merv and Geoffrey know each other?
(a) Through their political affiliations.
(b) Through the Jewish temple.
(c) Through a friend.
(d) Through the theater.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Merv invites himself to dinner, what does Sara suggest?

2. What do Geoffrey and Pfeni do to entertain everyone at the party in Act 1, Scene 3?

3. What does Geoffrey suddenly remember before he exits Act 1, Scene 2?

4. What does Sara say about the prospect of marriage?

5. In preparation for the Sabbath ceremony, what does Gorgeous do?

(see the answer keys)

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