Sister, Sister Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sister, Sister Test | Final Test - Easy

Eric Jerome Dickey
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 109 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where has Inda never made love?
(a) On the beach.
(b) At work.
(c) At the park.
(d) In a car.

2. Why does Inda think that Chiquita had a good experience?
(a) Her bouncy walk.
(b) Her chirpy voice.
(c) Her bright eyes.
(d) Her stupid grin.

3. Which room does Walter now sleep?
(a) In the car.
(b) The other bedroom.
(c) On the rocking chair in the lounge room.
(d) The bathroom.

4. What does Chiquita know about men?
(a) Their favorite meal.
(b) Their worst habit.
(c) Their weakness.
(d) Their physical strength.

5. What is Raymond elusive about?
(a) His relationship with Derek.
(b) His relationship with Gina.
(c) His relationship with Valerie.
(d) His financial situation.

6. What angered Chiquita about her mother's address?
(a) They both lived in the same city.
(b) The neighborhood is boring.
(c) It was the wrong address.
(d) It is expensive to buy a flight there.

7. What makes Inda feel ashamed?
(a) Not talking enough.
(b) Her alcohol addiction.
(c) The daylight.
(d) Not being able to quit smoking.

8. What code does Inda not know?
(a) The one to her answering machine.
(b) The secret code between Valerie and Thaddeus.
(c) Morse code.
(d) Her bank card.

9. Who is Tommy Williams?
(a) Chiquita's real father.
(b) Valerie's real father.
(c) Inda's real father.
(d) Thaddeus's real father.

10. When did both sides of Inda's family properly meet?
(a) When Valerie was born.
(b) Just after her parent's wedding.
(c) They have never met.
(d) Just before she graduated.

11. How can you tell if Moms is really worried?
(a) She starts shouting.
(b) She talks too fast.
(c) She bites her fingernails.
(d) She is not well dressed.

12. What happened to Tommy?
(a) He ran away after hearing about the pregnancy.
(b) He is in prison.
(c) He moved to New York.
(d) He died in a car accident.

13. Which part of the south is Chiquita from?
(a) Georgia.
(b) Mississippi.
(c) Alabama.
(d) Tennessee.

14. What makes Chiquita want to drown in the Pacific?
(a) Loud barking from the guard dog.
(b) The old man spitting into a cup.
(c) A bad odor coming from the house.
(d) The sound of footsteps.

15. What brand of moving truck does Inda spot Walter in?
(a) Penske.
(b) Ryder.
(c) Enterprise.
(d) U-Haul.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Pops ask Thaddeus to explain what is happening?

2. What drink does Valerie find still warm when she returns to Inda's place?

3. Why does Inda's mother turn up her nose?

4. Why does Michael live in LA?

5. What type of hat is Inda's father wearing?

(see the answer keys)

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