Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

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Sister Outsider: Essays and Speeches Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where was Audre Lorde when she learned that Martin Luther King had been killed?
(a) Home.
(b) Carnegie Hall.
(c) Church.
(d) On a walk through town.

2. Whose murder does Audre Lorde bring up in order to show the senselessness of misdirection?
(a) Adrienne Rich.
(b) Constance Stamos.
(c) Patricia Cowan.
(d) Judy Barry.

3. Black __________ are even more threatening, according to Audre Lorde, since they do not fit into a _____________.
(a) Model.
(b) Census.
(c) Society.
(d) School pattern.

4. __________ is necessary to the female condition, according to Audre Lorde, in this section of the book.
(a) Life.
(b) Poetry.
(c) Masculinity.
(d) Power.

5. ____________ can create an illusion of protection from those who might wish one harm, according to Audre Lorde.
(a) Poetry.
(b) Rights.
(c) Invisibility.
(d) Government power.

Short Answer Questions

1. Audre Lorde believes that many women would rather group all women into a ___________ than to look at differences.

2. The dismissal of the black feminist point of view leads Audre Lorde to threaten _________ between or or separation.

3. The piece that Audre Lorde writes to Mary Daly was written after the murder of _______ black women in the Boston area.

4. Audre Lorde's primary reaction to __________ is anger and she feels it is an appropriate response to this problem.

5. Audre Lorde admits that she can only deal with her ___________ and that she will try not to make generalizations.

(see the answer key)

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