Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Hard

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Hard

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the Hitites use spears and flags for in the holy war?

2. After Sinuhe returns to Thebes the first time from Akhetaton, how does Kaptah pay for their dinner together?

3. What does Pharaoh Akenaton want to do with the open walks and gardens and the sacred lakes?

4. What gift does Horemheb give to Roju?

5. When Sinuhe is dumped in the desert, and Aziru's chariots approach him, what do they do to Sinuhe?

Short Essay Questions

1. Merit tells Sinuhe that "falsehood may be sweeter than truth when one is much alone and past the spring of life." What does she mean by this comment? How is this related to her relationship with Sinuhe?

2. When Sinuhe, Minea, and Kaptah arrive in Crete, what does Sinuhe notice about their idea of death?

3. What does the Pharaoh Akhnaton believe he should do about the situation in Egypt once he is informed by Eie and Horemheb? After an evening of thinking what is his answer to the problems in the country? Why is this his decision?

4. Why is the assassination attempt on Pharaoh Ahknetaton so shocking in Egyptian culture?

5. Why does Sinuhe free Kaptah when they return to Egypt? What has happened to their relationship? How do you think the loss of Minea affected Sinuhe's ideas of slavery?

6. At the end of Book 14, Sinuhe says that the destiny of Egypt hangs on a woman's whim. Who do you think he is referring to and why?

7. There is a belief on the island of Crete that those sacrificed to the god can return if they wish after a few days. They speak of a living god. How does this mirror modern religion? What message is the author trying to tell the reader?

8. How does Horemheb react when he discovers that the priests are using human sacrifices after the death of Akhnaton? How does Sinuhe react?

9. Why does Sinuhe believe that if Aton falls, he does not want to live? What does he mean when he says, "it was another speaking?"

10. On the third day of the battle with the Hittites in the holy war, what happens when Horemheb is no longer content with defense?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

The idea of the Hittites is "Right is what we desire and wrong is what our neighbors desire." How does this philosophy outline their ideas about war?

Essay Topic 2

When Ptahor meets Thothmes, what does Thothmes make for Ptahor? Does it please him? What does he do with the piece of art? What does this mean to Ptahor? Why does he take the action he does?

Essay Topic 3

When Sinuhe opens a skull what is usually the outcome? Why is this considered good? How do the people view his work? Is his work making progress throughout the novel? How?

(see the answer keys)

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