Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What has Kaptah always wanted to do with his life?
(a) Be a warrior.
(b) Be an innkeeper.
(c) Be a servant.
(d) Be a merchant.

2. When Sinuhe sees Horemheb at his return to Egypt, what does Horemheb tell Sinuhe about what is to happen the next day?
(a) War with the Hittites will begin.
(b) War with Syria will begin.
(c) Aton is to be deposed.
(d) Ammon is to be deposed.

3. What will Kaptah NOT buy with Sinuhe's money?
(a) A new office for his physician's practice.
(b) A slave-trading house.
(c) Jewels.
(d) Buildings and businesses.

4. When Horemheb returns to Egypt, who does he put in charge of the troops?
(a) The pharaoh.
(b) Sinuhe.
(c) Kaptah.
(d) Pepitamon.

5. Who does Sinuhe meet at Kaptah's favorite tavern when he returns to Egypt?
(a) The pharaoh.
(b) Minea.
(c) Merit.
(d) Nefernefernefer.

Short Answer Questions

1. After Sinuhe returns to Thebes the first time from Akhetaton, how does Kaptah pay for their dinner together?

2. What do the priest do with the statue of Ammon?

3. What does the Pharaoh Ahknaton think about hate?

4. How does Pharaoh Akhnaton die?

5. What have the Hittites done with the jars sold to them by the merchants of Egypt?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Akhnaton not know of any of the suffering going on outside the palace walls?

2. There is a belief on the island of Crete that those sacrificed to the god can return if they wish after a few days. They speak of a living god. How does this mirror modern religion? What message is the author trying to tell the reader?

3. Merit tells Sinuhe that "falsehood may be sweeter than truth when one is much alone and past the spring of life." What does she mean by this comment? How is this related to her relationship with Sinuhe?

4. Why does Sinuhe tell Horemheb that Princess Baketaton asked after him at her mother's deathbed when she did not seem really taken with Horemheb? Do you think Sinuhe believes that there is an attraction there? Or is he flattering Horemheb to get what he wants?

5. When Sinuhe, Minea, and Kaptah arrive in Crete, what does Sinuhe notice about their idea of death?

6. Why does Sinuhe free Kaptah when they return to Egypt? What has happened to their relationship? How do you think the loss of Minea affected Sinuhe's ideas of slavery?

7. Why does Sinuhe believe that if Aton falls, he does not want to live? What does he mean when he says, "it was another speaking?"

8. What is the genius behind Kaptah's investments made for Sinuhe?

9. Why does Sinuhe believe he sees the full brutality of man to fellow man during the holy war?

10. Does Sinuhe believe Pharaoh Ahknaton to be mad? Does he believe his madness? When he says "something in me has matured to receive his message" what does he mean?

(see the answer keys)

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