Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Minotauros wear on his head?
(a) His hair piled very high.
(b) The golden head of a bull.
(c) A crown.
(d) A small hat.

2. Who is the sculptor in Akhetaton who builds all the statues and artwork for the city?
(a) Ptahor.
(b) Muti.
(c) Thothmes.
(d) Merit.

3. When Horemheb and Eie strike a deal to co-rule the country, what does Horemheb want as part of the deal?
(a) Food, gold, and supplies to defend the country and a salary.
(b) Nefretit as his wife.
(c) Lower Egypt to rule as he pleases.
(d) The Princess Baketaton as his wife.

4. What do the people call the Queen Mother Taia?
(a) The pharaoh.
(b) The black witch.
(c) The mistress of Eie.
(d) The silver swan.

5. When Kaptah and Sinuhe get to the opening in the cave where the sea enters, what do they find?
(a) Minotaurus.
(b) Minea alive.
(c) A priest.
(d) A dead colossal bull.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Sinuhe walks to the pharaoh's temple upon his return to Egypt, what does he find?

2. When Sinuhe arrives at Gaza, how does he enter?

3. What does Horemheb think is the cornerstone of the holy war?

4. What does Sinuhe insist of King Aziru after he is greeted in the desert?

5. Upon their return to Egypt, where does Kaptah want to take Sinuhe to have a drink?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Akhnaton not know of any of the suffering going on outside the palace walls?

2. Why is the assassination attempt on Pharaoh Ahknetaton so shocking in Egyptian culture?

3. Why does Sinuhe free Kaptah when they return to Egypt? What has happened to their relationship? How do you think the loss of Minea affected Sinuhe's ideas of slavery?

4. Upon returning to Egypt, what does Sinuhe find in the new artwork displayed in the city? Why is it so shocking? What has changed? Why is this significant to the story? Who does this threaten?

5. When Kaptah and Sinuhe find the droppings from a large animal, what does this indicate will happen as they work through the labyrinth? What will they find?

6. Why does Sinuhe tell Horemheb that Princess Baketaton asked after him at her mother's deathbed when she did not seem really taken with Horemheb? Do you think Sinuhe believes that there is an attraction there? Or is he flattering Horemheb to get what he wants?

7. Merit tells Sinuhe that "falsehood may be sweeter than truth when one is much alone and past the spring of life." What does she mean by this comment? How is this related to her relationship with Sinuhe?

8. What is the genius behind Kaptah's investments made for Sinuhe?

9. What does the Pharaoh Akhnaton believe he should do about the situation in Egypt once he is informed by Eie and Horemheb? After an evening of thinking what is his answer to the problems in the country? Why is this his decision?

10. Why does Sinuhe believe he sees the full brutality of man to fellow man during the holy war?

(see the answer keys)

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