Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is on the roof at the inn where Sinuhe stays in Babylon?
(a) Shingles.
(b) Beautiful gardens.
(c) Terra cotta covers.
(d) A statue to Aton.

2. When Sinuhe opens a man's skull in Mitanni, what does he find?
(a) Bruises.
(b) Splinters in his brain.
(c) A tumor.
(d) Blood.

3. What does Sinuhe do with his gold before he travels on a ship to Smyrna?
(a) He gives the money to the captain.
(b) He trades it for goods for his travels.
(c) Exchanges it for clay tablets.
(d) He gives it to Kaptah to buy supplies.

4. To get off the boat, what does Kaptah suggest he, Sinuhe, and Minea pretend to be?
(a) A company of performers.
(b) A group of doctors.
(c) Dancers.
(d) Servants.

5. Other than Ptahor, whom does Sinuhe's father ask to dinner?
(a) Oneh.
(b) The pharaoh.
(c) Thothmes.
(d) Kaptah.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is significant about the slave that Sinuhe buys?

2. Why will Minea not board the second vessel bound for Crete from Hatti?

3. What shape is the god of the new pharaoh?

4. Who is Horemheb in love with?

5. How many years has the King reigned in Hatti?

Short Essay Questions

1. Sinuhe meets a man in the City of Dead when he buries his parents. What is this man's story a moral for in the story? What lesson does this impart to Sinuhe or to the reader? What message is the author trying to tell?

2. Why does Horemheb want Sinuhe to be his spy? What does Sinuhe have to offer that others cannot? What does Sinuhe have to gain from this experience? Will this affect Sinuhe's life if and when he returns to Egypt? Why? Why not?

3. When Ptahor is opening the skull of the pharaoh, the young prince steps forward and speaks of a blessing from the god Aton. How does Ptahor react to this? Why does he react as he does?

4. When Sinuhe and Kaptah arrive in Babylon, Kaptah wants Sinuhe to announce his presence to the other physicians in a certain way. How does he want Sinuhe to announce that he is in Babylonia? Why? Why is this important to their relationships with others? Is this political correctness for the time? Why?

5. Explain how embalming works int he House of Death. What do the priest tell people who bring their loved ones for preparation for burial? What do they actually do? How does Sinuhe view this?

6. When Minea, Kaptah and Sinuhe are traveling pretending to be performers, Sinuhe continues to cure the sick. Why does he do this? Cannot this lead to discovery of who they are? Is this dangerous? Why would he do this and put all their lives in danger?

7. When Sinuhe enters the House of Life to study, what advise does he take to heart? How does this decision affect his relationships with his classmates and teachers? Is it the right way to behave or did this hurt him in the long run?

8. What is Ptahor's job? Is this a cure for any disease or is this a quick way to die? Why do you think Ptahor is called to the pharaoh?

9. Explain the process that Sinuhe is taught in school about life after death. Who is Osiris? Who is the Devourer? What does the Devourer look like? Who is the Backward-Gazer? Why is this important knowledge for the average Egyptian?

10. What are the two truths of the young prince and Horemheb? How are they in conflict from the beginning? How does Horemheb argue with the sickly young prince about his truth when he first meets him? What does Horemheb fear of the future?

(see the answer keys)

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