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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. How long does it take Sinuhe to pass his examination to enter the House of Life?
(a) Four years.
(b) Two years.
(c) One year.
(d) Two months.
2. Who becomes the wife to the new pharaoh?
(a) Baketamon.
(b) Nefertiti, the daughter of Eie.
(c) Queen Taia.
(d) Nefernefernefer.
3. What does Sinuhe do with the gift from Nefernefernefer?
(a) He has his name engraved in the stone.
(b) He gives it to his mother.
(c) He returns it to her.
(d) He loses it.
4. What happens to the false king at the end of the Day of the False King?
(a) He co-rules the country.
(b) He becomes a servant.
(c) He is killed.
(d) He remains king.
5. What does Phator do to cure the young slave with the splinter in his brain?
(a) He gives him powerful medicines for the pain.
(b) He is not able to help the slave.
(c) He opens his skull, takes out the splinter and puts a silver plate over it.
(d) He runs a velvet cloth over his head.
Short Answer Questions
1. To get off the boat, what does Kaptah suggest he, Sinuhe, and Minea pretend to be?
2. When Sinuhe finds his old friend Thothmes, what is he doing for a living?
3. Who is chosen as the king for the Day of the False King?
4. After Nefernefernefer gets Sinuhe's property, what does she want from him next?
5. How long has Sinuhe been in exile at the beginning of the novel?
Short Essay Questions
1. What message do Sinuhe's parents leave behind for him? How does this make him feel? How do his parents die? Why do they do this?
2. What is Ptahor's job? Is this a cure for any disease or is this a quick way to die? Why do you think Ptahor is called to the pharaoh?
3. By his description of his servant, Keftiu, Sinuhe's opinion of women comes to light. What does he think of Keftiu? What does this tell the reader about his opinion of women in general?
4. Why do Kipa and Senmut tell their neighbors that Kipa gave birth to Sinuhe? Why does Senmut register Sinuhe in the book of births? What will this do for Sinuhe later in life? What difference will this make in his life?
5. Why does Horemheb want Sinuhe to be his spy? What does Sinuhe have to offer that others cannot? What does Sinuhe have to gain from this experience? Will this affect Sinuhe's life if and when he returns to Egypt? Why? Why not?
6. When Sinuhe and Kaptah arrive in Babylon, Kaptah wants Sinuhe to announce his presence to the other physicians in a certain way. How does he want Sinuhe to announce that he is in Babylonia? Why? Why is this important to their relationships with others? Is this political correctness for the time? Why?
7. What is the scarab to Kaptah? What is the scarab to Sinuhe? How do the two belief systems differ? How does Kaptah anoint the scarab?
8. As the novel progresses, Kaptah begins to refer to the property of Sinuhe as "our" as in "our" house, "our" scarab and even "our" gold. What does this indicate to the reader? Does Sinuhe seem aware of these changes? If he does, does he care? Why? Why not? What does this say about their relationship?
9. What does the Keeper of the Archives In Hatti tell Sinuhe about the King? What is he warning Sinuhe about? What will happen in the future for the lands around Hatti?
10. What does Minea bring to Sinuhe? What does she restore in his life? Why is she an important character to his life and to his healing?
This section contains 1,356 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |
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