Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Sinuhe request that bread be baked for the poor, what phrase does he want said to them as the bread is passed out?
(a) This is the bread of Aton; take ye and eat of it in his name.
(b) This bread will multiply.
(c) My bread is your bread.
(d) This is bread for the poor, take it.

2. What will Kaptah NOT buy with Sinuhe's money?
(a) A new office for his physician's practice.
(b) Buildings and businesses.
(c) A slave-trading house.
(d) Jewels.

3. Who tells Sinuhe that Kaptah is dead?
(a) Merit's father.
(b) Thoth.
(c) Merit.
(d) Muti.

4. What does Merit wish to pretend as she and Sinuhe and Thoth sail down the Nile?
(a) That they are rich.
(b) That they are man and wife and Thoth is their son.
(c) That they can sail forever.
(d) That they have adopted Thoth.

5. Who is the sculptor in Akhetaton who builds all the statues and artwork for the city?
(a) Muti.
(b) Merit.
(c) Thothmes.
(d) Ptahor.

6. When Sinuhe sees Horemheb at his return to Egypt, what does Horemheb tell Sinuhe about what is to happen the next day?
(a) War with the Hittites will begin.
(b) War with Syria will begin.
(c) Aton is to be deposed.
(d) Ammon is to be deposed.

7. When Horemheb returns to Egypt, who does he put in charge of the troops?
(a) Pepitamon.
(b) The pharaoh.
(c) Sinuhe.
(d) Kaptah.

8. What does Kaptah buy with Sinuhe's money when they return to Egypt?
(a) A new office for his physician's practice.
(b) Slave-trading houses.
(c) Buildings and businesses.
(d) Jewels.

9. When Kaptah and Sinuhe get to the opening in the cave where the sea enters, what do they find?
(a) A priest.
(b) Minotaurus.
(c) A dead colossal bull.
(d) Minea alive.

10. When Horemheb and Eie strike a deal to co-rule the country, what does Horemheb want as part of the deal?
(a) Food, gold, and supplies to defend the country and a salary.
(b) The Princess Baketaton as his wife.
(c) Lower Egypt to rule as he pleases.
(d) Nefretit as his wife.

11. Who does Kaptah hire as a servant when the men return to Egypt?
(a) Thothmes.
(b) Merit.
(c) Muti.
(d) Nefernefernefer.

12. Why does Thothmes die?
(a) Because he falls in the Nile and crocodiles eat him.
(b) Because he loves Ammon.
(c) Because he defends the pharaoh and his god.
(d) Because he is sick.

13. What is wrong with King Aziru's baby?
(a) It is cutting its first tooth.
(b) It is dying.
(c) It has a stomach ache.
(d) It has turned eye.

14. How does Sinuhe describe his life in Akhetaton?
(a) Like the desert, lost in time.
(b) Like a lovely, fading song.
(c) Like the sun rising every morning.
(d) Like a bird floating on the air.

15. Who does Roju order the execution of in Gaza?
(a) The store clerk.
(b) A servant.
(c) A spy.
(d) The tower guard.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Horemheb faces the Hittites the first time in the holy war, what will happen if the Hittites defeat Horemheb's troops?

2. After Sinuhe returns to Thebes the first time from Akhetaton, how does Kaptah pay for their dinner together?

3. How is Aziru executed?

4. How does Sinuhe get his revenge with Nefernefernefer?

5. What kind of knots does the Queen Mother Taia tie?

(see the answer keys)

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