Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Final Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What have the Hittites done with the jars sold to them by the merchants of Egypt?
(a) They have brought water into the desert so they can survive there for quite a while.
(b) They are preserving fish in salt and water.
(c) They hang them in the sun in honor of Aton.
(d) The use them as weapons, cutting people with them.

2. Upon their return to Egypt, where does Kaptah want to take Sinuhe to have a drink?
(a) The Mud Reed.
(b) The Boat Tavern.
(c) The Crocodile's Tail.
(d) The Sailor's Stopover.

3. When Sinuhe is dumped in the desert, and Aziru's chariots approach him, what do they do to Sinuhe?
(a) Shower him with gifts.
(b) Rob him and strip off his clothes.
(c) Carry him back to Aziru.
(d) Change him into white robes.

4. Who does Sinuhe find held prisoner in Gaza?
(a) Kaptah.
(b) Nefertiti.
(c) Muti.
(d) Merit.

5. What does Kaptah use to find his way back to the opening of the cave?
(a) A string.
(b) He draws on the wall of the cave.
(c) He drops rocks.
(d) A spool of thread.

6. What is the one thing that Sinuhe cannot give away in his negotiations with King Aziru?
(a) Mitanni.
(b) Kem.
(c) Babylon.
(d) Gaza.

7. When Horemheb returns to Egypt, who does he put in charge of the troops?
(a) Pepitamon.
(b) The pharaoh.
(c) Sinuhe.
(d) Kaptah.

8. What does Horemheb think is the cornerstone of the holy war?
(a) Crete.
(b) Gaza.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Memphis.

9. Who tells Sinuhe that Kaptah is dead?
(a) Muti.
(b) Merit.
(c) Thoth.
(d) Merit's father.

10. What is the custom of marriage in Egypt?
(a) To break a jar between the man and the woman.
(b) To be joined by a priest.
(c) To exchange rings of gold.
(d) To read a poem to Aton.

11. When the Crocodile's Tail is attacked, what happens to Merit and Thoth?
(a) They are chased through the streets and finally killed.
(b) They escape and leave the country.
(c) They escape to Sinuhe's house, where they are killed.
(d) They are killed.

12. What does Sinuhe think when the Hittites come to visit Ahknetaton?
(a) That they want the cross of life.
(b) That they are interested in the new god.
(c) That they are honest in their negotiations.
(d) That they smell of corpses.

13. What does Minotauros wear on his head?
(a) A small hat.
(b) His hair piled very high.
(c) The golden head of a bull.
(d) A crown.

14. Why is is important for Kaptah and Sinuhe to get aboard the ship that is leaving Crete after the death of Minea?
(a) It is a ship blessed by the god Aton.
(b) Horemheb is on the ship.
(c) It sails directly to Egypt.
(d) It is the last ship to sail before winter.

15. What is wrong with King Aziru's baby?
(a) It has a stomach ache.
(b) It is dying.
(c) It is cutting its first tooth.
(d) It has turned eye.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Sinuhe meet at Kaptah's favorite tavern when he returns to Egypt?

2. How quickly does Akhetaton, the city, come into being?

3. What does Kaptah buy with Sinuhe's money when they return to Egypt?

4. How has Aziru's seven-year-old son shown that he will be a great warrior?

5. What does Sinuhe do on a return to Thebes to show that he is equal to the rowers?

(see the answer keys)

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