Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does everyone know about the opening of the pharaoh's skull?
(a) That the pharaoh's brain must be studied.
(b) That is ensures the pharaoh's place in the heavens.
(c) That the pharaoh will live.
(d) That no pharaoh has ever lived after the opening of the skull.

2. What does Sinuhe do with his gold before he travels on a ship to Smyrna?
(a) He gives the money to the captain.
(b) Exchanges it for clay tablets.
(c) He trades it for goods for his travels.
(d) He gives it to Kaptah to buy supplies.

3. Where are people buried near Thebes?
(a) In the slave quarter of the city.
(b) By the Temple of Death.
(c) The City of the Dead.
(d) In the reeds near the river.

4. How is status determined in the land of the Hittites?
(a) By beauty.
(b) By the decree of the king.
(c) By their proficiency in battle.
(d) By wealth.

5. What is on the roof at the inn where Sinuhe stays in Babylon?
(a) Shingles.
(b) A statue to Aton.
(c) Terra cotta covers.
(d) Beautiful gardens.

6. How is life different for a physician in Syria compared to Egypt?
(a) A physician must be documented by the king.
(b) A physician get paid monthly.
(c) The physician must seek out patients instead of them coming to him.
(d) A physician does not treat poor people.

7. What is significant about the slave that Sinuhe buys?
(a) He knows Sinuhe's father.
(b) He speaks Greek.
(c) He is quite bright.
(d) He has one eye.

8. What does Phator do to cure the young slave with the splinter in his brain?
(a) He opens his skull, takes out the splinter and puts a silver plate over it.
(b) He runs a velvet cloth over his head.
(c) He is not able to help the slave.
(d) He gives him powerful medicines for the pain.

9. How long has Sinuhe been in exile at the beginning of the novel?
(a) Three years.
(b) 15 years.
(c) 2,000 years.
(d) Three months.

10. After Nefernefernefer gets Sinuhe's property, what does she want from him next?
(a) His slave.
(b) His undying devotion.
(c) His father's property.
(d) The bar he owns.

11. Who becomes the wife to the new pharaoh?
(a) Queen Taia.
(b) Nefernefernefer.
(c) Nefertiti, the daughter of Eie.
(d) Baketamon.

12. How does Sinuhe get his medicines?
(a) He buys them from Crete.
(b) He makes them.
(c) His father mixes them for him.
(d) His mother makes all the medicines.

13. Why does the new pharaoh bother Horemheb?
(a) The pharaoh wants to go to war.
(b) The pharaoh wants Horemheb to stay with him all the time.
(c) The pharaoh writes poetry that he wants Horemheb to memorize.
(d) The pharaoh thinks deeply and talks of a new god.

14. How are the children of Mitanni described by Sinuhe?
(a) Like cherubs.
(b) Like dolls.
(c) Like angels.
(d) Not very pretty.

15. What is Sinuhe's favorite toy as a child?
(a) A reed boat.
(b) A wooden crocodile.
(c) Glass marbles.
(d) A cane.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Sinuhe finds his old friend Thothmes, what is he doing for a living?

2. The morning after Sinuhe and Minea have slept on the boat escaping from Babylon, what is the noise they hear?

3. What does Thothmes' father want Thothmes to do as an adult?

4. When the god Ammon statue talks to Sinuhe, whose voice does Sinuhe hear?

5. What does Sinuhe do with the scarab that he finds?

(see the answer keys)

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