Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinuhe the Egyptian: A Novel Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mika Waltari
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 208 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sinuhe tell his mother and father he wants to be when he grows up?
(a) A painter.
(b) A warrior.
(c) A doctor.
(d) A pharaoh.

2. Who is the king of Babylon?
(a) Pharaoh Ahknaton.
(b) Horemheb.
(c) King Aziru.
(d) King Burnaburiash.

3. When Sinuhe finds his old friend Thothmes, what is he doing for a living?
(a) Painting in the royal court.
(b) Working for Semnut, Sinuhe's father.
(c) Making picture books for rich men's children.
(d) Working for Nefernefernefer.

4. What does the Syrian merchant bring Nefernefernefer?
(a) A jewel from the royal tomb.
(b) Earrings for Syria.
(c) A necklace of pearls.
(d) A crown of gold.

5. Who played with Amenhotep like a sister when they were children?
(a) Nefertiti
(b) Sinuhe.
(c) Thothmes.
(d) Baketamon.

6. Why does the new pharaoh bother Horemheb?
(a) The pharaoh wants Horemheb to stay with him all the time.
(b) The pharaoh thinks deeply and talks of a new god.
(c) The pharaoh wants to go to war.
(d) The pharaoh writes poetry that he wants Horemheb to memorize.

7. What kind of houses do the people of Babylon live in?
(a) Wooden structures.
(b) Stone structures.
(c) Small adobe huts.
(d) Townhouses, four or five stories high.

8. What does Sinuhe do with the gift from Nefernefernefer?
(a) He returns it to her.
(b) He loses it.
(c) He has his name engraved in the stone.
(d) He gives it to his mother.

9. When the god Ammon statue talks to Sinuhe, whose voice does Sinuhe hear?
(a) Ptahor.
(b) The priest.
(c) Another student.
(d) Nefernefernefer.

10. What does Sinuhe do with his gold before he travels on a ship to Smyrna?
(a) He gives the money to the captain.
(b) He gives it to Kaptah to buy supplies.
(c) He trades it for goods for his travels.
(d) Exchanges it for clay tablets.

11. After Sinuhe falls in love with Minea, what does he want her to do?
(a) Go the Smyrna.
(b) Return to her home so they can be married.
(c) Renounce her god.
(d) Return to Babylon.

12. In the land of the Hittites, how are the people ruled?
(a) By princes whose power over them is absolute.
(b) By kings in each small region.
(c) By the pharaoh from Egypt.
(d) They are self-governed.

13. To get off the boat, what does Kaptah suggest he, Sinuhe, and Minea pretend to be?
(a) A company of performers.
(b) A group of doctors.
(c) Servants.
(d) Dancers.

14. What illnesses do the Syrian merchants suffer from?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Brain diseases.
(c) Sleep disorders.
(d) Breathlessness and stomach troubles.

15. How does Horemheb make money on his men after he give them their rewards?
(a) He charges for food and beds.
(b) He has them followed and steals from them.
(c) He convinces them to invest in his companies.
(d) He taxes the merchants where they will spend their booty.

Short Answer Questions

1. What animal do the people of Babylon have that Sinuhe has never seen before?

2. What happens in the city of Thebes when the pharaoh dies?

3. What does Sinuhe read for a stranger in the City of the Dead?

4. What fate awaits Minea in her homeland?

5. When Sinuhe admits to the priest that the god Ammon did not speak to him, what do the priests and his classmates do?

(see the answer keys)

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