Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards speaks of the works that God "wrought" (405). How is this word pronounced?
(a) Rhymes with "ought."
(b) Rhymes with "route."
(c) Rhymes with "gut."
(d) Rhymes with "oat."

2. In the introduction of his sermon, what is the fourth thing Edwards says is true of the Israelites' destruction?
(a) It will happen during the Second Coming.
(b) It will happen when they stray too far toward the pit.
(c) The timing depends on the depth of their sin.
(d) The timing depends on God's will.

3. When, in the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards mentions the "cultivations of heaven," (405) to what is he referring?
(a) Jewish people.
(b) God's Creation.
(c) God's careful tending.
(d) Christian people.

4. In the introduction of his sermon, what is the first thing Edwards says is true of the Israelites' destruction?
(a) It is inevitable.
(b) It is uncertain.
(c) It is preventable.
(d) It is unjust.

5. In the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards speaks of the works that God "wrought" (405). What has God done with these works?
(a) Created them.
(b) Unleashed them.
(c) Destroyed them.
(d) Consumed them.

6. In the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards quotes the Bible as saying that the Israelites were "void of counsel," (405). What is this saying about the Israelites?
(a) They did not have adequate leadership.
(b) They failed to listen to their leaders.
(c) They did not understand the wisdom they were offered.
(d) They were unable to give thoughtful advice.

7. What criticism does Edwards level against the people mentioned in the opening of his sermon?
(a) They worshiped false idols.
(b) Despite being warned repeatedly, they continued to defy God.
(c) They were oppressive toward God's chosen people.
(d) Despite being blessed by God's grace, they were sinful.

8. What was Edwards' usual manner of delivering a sermon?
(a) Loud and threatening.
(b) Stern and angry.
(c) Friendly and cheerful.
(d) Calm and reasonable.

9. In the introduction of his sermon, what is the third thing Edwards says is true of the Israelites' destruction?
(a) They will cause it themselves.
(b) They will ignore the opportunity to be saved.
(c) They will attempt to evade it.
(d) They will call on God's mercy.

10. In what year did Edwards first deliver the sermon "Sinners in the Hands of An Angry God"?
(a) 1686.
(b) 1775.
(c) 1741.
(d) 1620.

11. In the introduction of his sermon, what is the second thing Edwards says is true of the Israelites' destruction?
(a) It will be sudden.
(b) It will be predictable.
(c) It will be expected.
(d) It will be thorough.

12. What is Deuteronomy?
(a) A book of the Bible.
(b) The Massachusetts town where Edwards' home congregation was located.
(c) God's plan for all people and all time.
(d) The liberal philosophy Edwards opposed.

13. The Biblical passage on which Edwards bases this sermon mentions what people?
(a) The Israelites.
(b) Christians.
(c) The Pharisees.
(d) Egyptians.

14. In the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards says that the Israelites will experience "desolation" (405). What does this mean they will experience?
(a) Misery.
(b) A fall.
(c) Destruction.
(d) A plague.

15. What religious movement was Edwards a part of?
(a) Liberation Theology.
(b) Deism.
(c) The Great Awakening.
(d) Dualism.

(see the answer keys)

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