Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 91 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Section 3: Application.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the Application section of his sermon, Edwards describes something that can be burned "asunder" (413). How will it be burned?
(a) Into pieces.
(b) Instantly.
(c) Completely.
(d) Fiercely.

2. When, in the Doctrine section of his sermon, Edwards says, of death, "It came as a thief" (410), what rhetorical device is he using?
(a) Personification.
(b) Metaphor.
(c) Logos.
(d) Dialogue.

3. In the passage "the fiery floods of the fierceness and wrath of God would rush forth with inconceivable fury," (412) what literary technique is employed?
(a) Oxymoron.
(b) Onomatopoeia.
(c) Argument by analogy.
(d) Sibilance.

4. What is Edwards' first argument for the truth of his statement of doctrine?
(a) God's enemies believe they can defeat Him.
(b) God can easily cast sinners into hell.
(c) God is strong enough to make the earth tremble.
(d) God is like an earthly prince.

5. In the Doctrine section of his sermon, Edwards calls corruption "immoderate" (408). What is he claiming about corruption?
(a) It draws attention to itself.
(b) It is a relic of the past.
(c) It is as hot as fire.
(d) It exceeds normal boundaries.

Short Answer Questions

1. Edwards mentions, in the Application section of his sermon, God's "omnipotent" power (412). What kind of power does this mean God has?

2. In the introductory section of his sermon, Edwards says that the Israelites will experience "desolation" (405). What does this mean they will experience?

3. In the Doctrine section of his sermon, Edwards speaks of the "enmity" in sinners' souls (408). What is he saying is in their souls?

4. In the Application section of his sermon, what does Edwards tell the congregants makes them "heavy as lead" (411)?

5. When Edwards says, in the Application section of his sermon, that unconverted congregants "would immediately sink and swiftly descend and plunge into the bottomless gulf," (411), what literary technique is he employing?

(see the answer key)

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