Sing To It Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sing To It Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of car does the narrator of "Cloudland" drive?
(a) Toyota.
(b) Subaru.
(c) Chevy.
(d) Dodge.

2. What does the narrator do at the end of "The Correct Grip"?
(a) Have dinner with a friend.
(b) Walk her dog.
(c) Go to a movie.
(d) Pack to move.

3. In "The Quiet Car," how far from the beach is the house that the narrator rents?
(a) 1/4 mile.
(b) A short walk.
(c) 1/2 mile.
(d) A bicycle ride.

4. What was served to eat for Sunday dinners when the narrator in "Cloudland" was in a home waiting to have her baby?
(a) Chicken and dumplings.
(b) Ham and scalloped potatoes.
(c) Roast and potatoes.
(d) Fried chicken and potatoes.

5. What type of Girl Scout cookies does the narrator buy, in "Cloudland"?
(a) Tagalongs.
(b) Trefoils.
(c) Thin mint.
(d) Toffee.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was the narrator in "Cloudland," when she had a baby girl?

2. Why does the wife of the attacker call the narrator in "The Correct Grip"?

3. What does the narrator spill in bed, in "Moonbow"?

4. Where did Mr. Davis go before he moved into assisted living, in "Cloudland"?

5. What does the bear damage at the end of "Moonbow"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Where was the most beautiful yard the narrator ever had, and what does she say it was like in this part of "Cloudland"?

2. Why is the narrator able to work two to three days a week in "Cloudland"?

3. How does the narrator hold her dog's leash and why in "The Correct Grip"?

4. What requests did Bob make before he died?

5. What advice does the wife of the narrator's attacker ask in "The Correct Grip," and what advice does the narrator give?

6. In "The Correct Grip," who calls the narrator after an attack and what is their conversation like?

7. How did the narrator of "Cloudland" compare her experiences when she had her baby with the experiences of women a hundred years ago?

8. In "The Second Seating," what do the narrator and friends have to eat and drink?

9. At the end of "Cloudland," what does the narrator say about apples?

10. In "Cloudland," what does the narrator go to the college to get?

(see the answer keys)

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