Sing For Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Bergner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Sing For Your Life Test | Final Test - Easy

Daniel Bergner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ryan sometimes do when he gets a bad sinus infection?
(a) Visit an ENT specialist to get his sinuses suctioned out.
(b) Use his very expensive humidifier.
(c) Go to a doctor to get antibiotics.
(d) Stay in bed for days at a time.

2. What does Ryan tell Mr. Brown as they leave the Met from his high school field trip?
(a) That someday he is going to sing at the Met.
(b) That he has to drop out of Governor's School so he can focus on football.
(c) That he is going to move to Europe on his own to study opera.
(d) That he is giving up on singing because he will never be that good.

3. What does Ryan's friend's father remember Ryan leaving all around the house when he visited?
(a) Hairpins.
(b) Shoes.
(c) Food.
(d) Twisted-up napkins.

4. Who is Ryan's voice teacher in Chapter 13?
(a) James Smith.
(b) Mark Oswald.
(c) Terrence Coleman.
(d) Robert Redfield.

5. Who is the white student Ryan befriends in school and whose family Ryan spends a great deal of time with?
(a) Michael Dyson.
(b) Eric Flynn.
(c) Jared Poulter.
(d) James Evans.

6. How does Ryan's father die?
(a) In a car accident.
(b) Of a sudden heart attack.
(c) Of cancer.
(d) Of a stroke.

7. What does Greg, Ryan's half-brother, tell him about Cecil?
(a) That Cecil had not believed Ryan was his biological son.
(b) That Cecil had told Greg he hoped Ryan would forgive him for not being there as Ryan grew up.
(c) That Cecil had money he wanted Ryan to have.
(d) That Cecil had not really wanted to marry Lonna.

8. What is Ryan's reaction when the Governor's School principal phones to tell him he as been accepted?
(a) He is suspicious.
(b) He is angry.
(c) He is dumbfounded.
(d) His is elated.

9. Who runs the Met's Lindemann training program?
(a) Joyce DiDonato.
(b) Brian Zeger.
(c) James Levine.
(d) Gayletha Nichols.

10. Why does Ryan run after the young man who uses a racial slur to describe Obama?
(a) He wants to find out where the man lives so he can report him to the college the man attends.
(b) He plans to beat the man.
(c) He plans to lead the police to the man.
(d) He is angry and wants to talk to the man.

11. Which of the following songs does Ryan sing for his audition for the Virginia Governor's School for the Arts?
(a) My Country Tis of Thee.
(b) Ol' Man River.
(c) The Star-Spangled Banner.
(d) Don Giovanni.

12. What instrument does Zeger say Ryan has to make his voice more like?
(a) A harp.
(b) A piano.
(c) A tuba.
(d) A trumpet.

13. Which black female singer performed operatic selections at Carnegie Hall in the 1890s?
(a) Denyce Graves.
(b) Kathleen Battle.
(c) Marian Anderson.
(d) Sissieretta Jones.

14. Which opera does Ryan make his Met debut with a part in?
(a) Don Giovanni.
(b) Othello.
(c) Madame Butterfly.
(d) Turandot.

15. Who is the contemporary black male opera singer Bernger interviews who says being black is a disadvantage when working in opera?
(a) Paul Robeson.
(b) James Brown.
(c) Philippe Sly.
(d) Eric Owens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which major newspaper wrote a positive review of Ryan's singing in Chapter 15?

2. What does Mark Oswald think is one of Ryan's problems when he sings?

3. Who did Ryan say he voted for in the 2008 Presidential Election?

4. What do the kids on Ryan's bus say when they find out he is singing opera?

5. What sport do both Ryan and Adrian play in high school?

(see the answer keys)

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