A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Simple Heart Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 141 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness does Virginie acquire?
(a) Consumption.
(b) Bronchitis.
(c) Pneumonia.
(d) Small pox.

2. Who is opposed to the idea of Virginie attending a boarding school?
(a) Paul.
(b) Virginie.
(c) Mme. Aubain.
(d) Félicité.

3. How does Mme. Aubain deal with her grief when Virginie goes away to school?
(a) Through socializing and writing letters.
(b) She cries for days.
(c) She locks herself in her room for a week.
(d) She takes long solitary walks.

4. What does Félicité suspect might be the cause of Loulou's death?
(a) She thinks he was poisoned with parsley.
(b) She thinks she fed him the wrong medication.
(c) She thinks he was placed too close to the fire.
(d) She thinks he had a heart attack.

5. What is one of the results of Félicité's increasing deafness?
(a) She can no longer talk to Loulou.
(b) She meets the priest for confession in private.
(c) She can no longer work.
(d) She begins to lose her balance.

6. What event rouses Félicité's interest when she can no longer speak to people?
(a) Confession.
(b) Easter.
(c) Weekly mass.
(d) The procession of Corpus Christi.

7. What is the cause of Félicité's argument with her Polish suitor?
(a) He eats a salad she had prepared for Mme. Aubain's lunch.
(b) He refuses to acknowledge Felicite's attachment to Mme. Aubain's family.
(c) He reveals that he has a child.
(d) He tells her he has a wife in Poland.

8. What does Mme. Aubain leave to Félicité when she dies?
(a) A small pension, but enough for her to live on.
(b) Nothing.
(c) A small pension that will last her three years.
(d) All her property except the house.

9. What color is Virginie's grave stone?
(a) Yellow.
(b) White.
(c) Pink.
(d) Black.

10. Who causes the bird to laugh uncontrollably?
(a) Félicité.
(b) Paul.
(c) Mme. Aubain.
(d) Bourais.

11. What does Félicité do after Virginie goes to school?
(a) She carries one of Virginie's handkerchiefs.
(b) She goes into Virginie's room and looks at the walls.
(c) She starts a vegetable garden.
(d) She devotes herself to cooking elaborate meals.

12. What is the parrot's first illness?
(a) A cough.
(b) An ulcer on its tongue.
(c) Dizziness.
(d) A stomach flu.

13. Who tells Félicité that the house is for sale?
(a) The apothecary.
(b) Paul's wife.
(c) Paul.
(d) Fabu.

14. What is the only thing that holds Mme. Aubain's interest after Virginie dies?
(a) Playing music.
(b) Her walks with Félicité.
(c) Paul's letters.
(d) Looking through Virginie's drawings.

15. What is Félicité's gift for the Corpus Christi procession?
(a) Loulou.
(b) A gold chain she recieved from Virginie.
(c) Her rosary.
(d) Her inheritance from Mme. Aubain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What or who does Félicité begin to associate with the parrot?

2. Who does Félicité begin to see frequently after Virginie goes away to school?

3. When Mme. Aubain and Félicité walk together, what do they talk about?

4. Why doesn't Félicité have any repairs done to the house?

5. Whose debts does Mme. Aubain pay off?

(see the answer keys)

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