Simon Sort of Says Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Bow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Simon Sort of Says Test | Final Test - Easy

Erin Bow
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 19, when will Vega rise directly in line with the tree house?
(a) Next month.
(b) 20 days.
(c) 5 days.
(d) Next week.

2. What sport does Brent Fritsch play at GNB Upper?
(a) Track and field.
(b) Football.
(c) Soccer.
(d) Basketball.

3. Where does Connie Semple say her parents were going to take a trip in an RV?
(a) Enchanted Highway, North Dakota.
(b) Teaneck, New Jersey.
(c) Marfa Lights, Texas.
(d) Glass Beach, California.

4. In Chapter 22, what flowers are planted downtown in Grin And Bear It?
(a) Geraniums.
(b) Hydrangeas.
(c) Petunias.
(d) Chrysanthemums.

5. What time does Simon wake and not get back to sleep in Chapter 15?
(a) 3:30 a.m.
(b) 4:30 a.m.
(c) 3 a.m.
(d) 4 a.m.

6. What scientist does Agate mention when she discusses a theory of time in Chapter 21?
(a) John von Neumann.
(b) Paul Dirac.
(c) Einstein.
(d) Planck.

7. What is the name of Ms. Snodgrass's twin sister?
(a) Connie Semple.
(b) Rachel Andersen.
(c) Margaret Wills.
(d) Peggy Sanders.

8. In Chapter 23, what day of the week is Vega supposed to rise behind the treehouse?
(a) Tuesday.
(b) Wednesday.
(c) Thursday.
(d) Friday.

9. When Kevin first sees the treehouse, what color Post-it Notes does Agate have on a star chart?
(a) Blue and pink.
(b) Yellow and orange.
(c) Green and red.
(d) Purple and yellow.

10. Why does Mr. Greenway calls Isobel at 4 a.m. in the morning to go out to the Van der Zwaan farm?
(a) Loose horses.
(b) Loose sheep.
(c) Loose cows.
(d) Loose emus.

11. On what highway did Curtis lose a body?
(a) 47.
(b) 385.
(c) 70.
(d) 183.

12. What time of day did a gunman enter Simon's school on May 15, two years ago?
(a) 11: 37 a.m.
(b) 10:24 a.m.
(c) 8:17 a.m.
(d) 9:56 a.m.

13. What does Agate borrow from Jade to help her know when Vega rises at the treehouse?
(a) Total station.
(c) Theodolite.
(d) Level and rod.

14. After Kevin's father lends Kevin, Simon, and Agate an extension cord and Agate buys one, how many feet short are they?
(a) 35.
(b) 30.
(c) 40.
(d) 28.

15. In Chapter 21, who is Martin talking to on the phone when Simon and Kevin come to Simon's house?
(a) Bishop.
(b) Father McGillicuddy.
(c) Mr. Greenway.
(d) Doc Matapang.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is wearing a beekeeper's suit in Chapter 21?

2. At the end of Chapter 20, what does Simon ask Kevin to steal for him?

3. In Chapter 15, about how many stray animals overrun the Van der Zwaan farm?

4. Who is Martin talking to on the phone when Simon comes home from school early in Chapter 19?

5. What tree is Onyx climbing when Simon and Kevin bike to the Van der Zwaan farm in Chapter 21?

(see the answer keys)

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