Silverthorn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silverthorn Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Raymond E. Feist
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What could hold the road they were traveling up?
(a) Five grandmothers with brooms.
(b) Four grandmothers with brooms.
(c) Seven grandmothers with brooms.
(d) Six grandmothers with brooms.

2. After what situation did Jimmy feel he should be carrying the distillation?
(a) After the incident at the brothel.
(b) After the incident with Laughing Jack.
(c) After both of these incidents.
(d) The incident in which he realized he should carry the distillate isn't mentioned.

3. How did Jimmy feel about his new garb?
(a) He liked his outfit and thought it fit well.
(b) He disliked the tightness of his collar and boots.
(c) He liked that it made him stand out as nobility.
(d) He disliked the color.

4. What did Jimmy notice had been out of the ordinary?
(a) An appearance of a man claiming to be his father.
(b) An appearance of the since dead, Golden Dase.
(c) An appearance of his long dead mother.
(d) An appearance of the since dead, Laughing Jack.

5. What group did Jimmy belong to?
(a) The Mockers.
(b) The Imperial Guard.
(c) The Thieves Guild.
(d) The Malkers.

Short Answer Questions

1. There isn't how many feet of clearing between the wall and the cliff?

2. What is the thing Nathan battled?

3. How long will the assassins live?

4. Who met the party on the road out of Krondor?

5. Where did the evil group head after dispatching the witch?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the views Jimmy harbors regarding the nobility?

2. Why hadn't Laurie revealed his decision to Carline sooner?

3. What did Jimmy learn following his first night out?

4. What struck Jimmy about the men at the next table in the Inn?

5. How had Arutha and Anita gotten to know each other?

6. What did the clergy people reveal about what they had learned regarding the beast they had fought.

7. Why was Jimmy in trouble, and why was the Upright Man willing to spare him?

8. Why did Jimmy want to tell Arutha what had been going on, and what he had witnessed with the assassin?

9. Who had been the intended target and how was it that Laughing Jack managed to be alive?

10. Why did Jimmy state that they "should have waited on the temples' pleasure"?

(see the answer keys)

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