The Silver Chair Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silver Chair Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The creatures are sneaking around because they expect who to come and stop them from escaping?
(a) The queen.
(b) The guards.
(c) The night.
(d) Aslan.

2. What is at the top of the wall?
(a) A light.
(b) A cat.
(c) A witch.
(d) A dragon.

3. The creature tells Rilian, Jill, Eustace, and Puddleglum that the red chasm opened all of a sudden a few minutes ago and all the creatures seemed to have remembered at one time that they were all once creatures of the world below called what?
(a) Bism.
(b) Bangum.
(c) Bixum.
(d) Ballum.

4. After a little while everything is in what?
(a) Green light.
(b) Red light.
(c) White light.
(d) Darkness.

5. The travelers are surprised to find that all of the creatures are _______ after the queen dies.
(a) Transformed into people.
(b) Happy and loud.
(c) Sad and quiet.
(d) Turned to stone.

Short Answer Questions

1. Jill recognizes that she must listen to the prince when he produces Aslan's what?

2. What does the group retrieves in order to escape?

3. What does Rilian want to take when they make their escape?

4. The knight tells his guests about the Queen's idea of making him what?

5. When they are in the middle of town, they suddenly realize that the sea is _______.

Short Essay Questions

1. Why are Puddleglum and Eustace upset about eating venison, in chapter 9, and why is Jill not upset? Whose reaction do you agree with and why?

2. The title of chapter nine is "They Discover Something Worth Knowing," but the travelers actually discover a few things in the chapter. Explain one of the things the travelers discover.

3. Do you think the queen will keep her promise to marry the knight? Why or why not?

4. How did Rilian's indecision affect the outcome of chapter 14.

5. The prince feels justified in killing the evil queen. Do you agree?

6. How is the process of breaking the queen's enchantment attempt symbolic?

7. What things are foreshadowed in the chapter?

8. What is the symbolism behind the falling buildings?

9. Do you feel that Jill has changed by chapter fifteen and, if so, in what ways.

10. Explain Rilian's conflict, in chapter 14.

(see the answer keys)

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