The Silver Chair Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silver Chair Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The children are taken on a long flight with the owls and are put inside what?
(a) A ship.
(b) A hut.
(c) A castle.
(d) A tower.

2. After another good cry, when the lion leaves, Jill wonders around where, exploring her surroundings?
(a) Mountaintop.
(b) Canyon.
(c) Desert.
(d) Castle.

3. The travelers walk for several weeks, killing ______ for food and sleeping on the ground.
(a) Squirrels.
(b) Deer.
(c) Rabbits.
(d) Birds.

4. What is the name of the king who has just left?
(a) Canordron.
(b) Charleston.
(c) Caspian.
(d) Caravel.

5. Who speaks to the king and queen at Eustace's suggestion?
(a) The porter.
(b) Puddleglum.
(c) Eustace.
(d) Jill.

Short Answer Questions

1. The stranger instantly apologizes for their inability to do what?

2. Jill is very upset about this, especially when Eustace points out they must have been walking in the ________ when Jill fell in the trench.

3. Who do the owls think would stop the children, if the plan was discovered?

4. In the middle of the ruins are the words ________.

5. Trumpkin allows who to stay?

Short Essay Questions

1. Do you really think Jill was mad at Eustace for not recognizing Caspian and, if so, do you think Jill was right to be mad at Eustace?

2. How is Puddleglum's participation in the mission to rescue the prince ironic?

3. Why do you think Eustace is afraid that the owls are against Caspian?

4. When a talking owl greets them, Jill tells the owl why they are there, which is news to Eustace since she has not told him yet. Eustace asks where they are and the owl answers they are in Cair Paravel and that it was King Caspian who has just left. Why does that news upset Jill?

5. What are Jill's four tasks that are set out by Aslan?

6. Do you agree that the owls should secretly help Jill and Eustace to rescue the prince?

7. Why didn't Eustace recognize his friend, King Caspian?

8. What do you think is the symbolism behind Puddleglum's name?

9. After going through the garden door, Jill and Eustace are on a tall mountain standing near a cliff. Jill tries to show off by standing as close to the edge as she dare. Why do you think Jill tried to show off on the cliff?

10. Describe how the mood of the novel changes, as chapter six goes on.

(see the answer keys)

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