The Silver Chair Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silver Chair Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Jill and her companions go out into a hallway and find a what?
(a) Bedroom.
(b) Kitchen.
(c) Closet.
(d) Bathroom.

2. The queen quietly begins to convince him there is no Narnia. Soon everyone agrees. However, Puddleglum persists by describing the _______ and the overworld.
(a) Stars.
(b) Moon.
(c) Sun.
(d) Clouds.

3. The creatures are sneaking around because they expect who to come and stop them from escaping?
(a) Aslan.
(b) The guards.
(c) The queen.
(d) The night.

4. What comes and tells Jill that they have received word that the king is on his way back and that the prince has already returned to Cair Paravel?
(a) A giant.
(b) A faun.
(c) A dwarf.
(d) A dryad.

5. After the children fall, there is an unpleasant _______.
(a) Voice.
(b) Smell.
(c) Light.
(d) Horn blast.

6. When the cook is finally _______, Jill and her companions sneak out of the house.
(a) Gone.
(b) Distracted.
(c) Dead.
(d) Asleep.

7. The children go back in to the knight and find him already tied to something of what color?
(a) Gold.
(b) Blue.
(c) Red.
(d) Silver.

8. The knight tells the children that he is actually not enchanted when _______.
(a) Out of the chair.
(b) In the chair.
(c) In the company of a marsh-wiggle.
(d) Speaking to children.

9. When Rilian steps into the moonlight with the two horses, the Narnians recognize him immediately and react ______.
(a) Happily.
(b) Sadly.
(c) By bowing down to him.
(d) By drawing their weapons.

10. Soon the occupants of the room begin to feel what?
(a) Thirsty.
(b) Hungry.
(c) Sick.
(d) Sleepy.

11. It is nighttime and _____ are flying through the air?
(a) Dragons.
(b) Bats.
(c) Snowballs.
(d) Owls.

12. The children and Puddleglum disappear into a _______ in the rock wall.
(a) Crevice
(b) Shadow.
(c) Small hole.
(d) Cave.

13. Prince Rilian tells the creature that the queen is dead and quickly the word spreads so that all the remaining creatures make their way to the _______.
(a) Chasm.
(b) Feast.
(c) Overworld.
(d) Ballroom.

14. What is at the top of the wall?
(a) A dragon.
(b) A witch.
(c) A light.
(d) A cat.

15. A moment after they hear the signal of the party's return, Puddleglum orders them to ______.
(a) Walk casually.
(b) Run.
(c) Stand still.
(d) Hide.

Short Answer Questions

1. Again the queen convinces them there is no overworld. What does Puddleglum then mentions?

2. After a little while everything is in what?

3. The queen then confronts the prince, ignoring his attempts to accuse her of being a what?

4. Jill has come out in Narnia where the Dwarfs and the Fauns and Dryads are doing what?

5. Rilian tells whom to sneak off the horse and grab one of the creatures so they can learn what is going on?

(see the answer keys)

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