The Silver Chair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silver Chair Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 139 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What might there be at the place the children are planning to go?
(a) Deep canyon.
(b) Friendly Ogre.
(c) Great ocean.
(d) Ruined city.

2. The porter kindly gives Puddleglum a drink from a this while they wait for a servant to tell the King they have arrived.
(a) Light glass.
(b) Dark glass.
(c) Light flask.
(d) Dark flask.

3. The place the children are going to is inhabited by __________, according to their new companion.
(a) Mice.
(b) Giants.
(c) Dwarves.
(d) Owls.

4. What is the name of the king who has just left?
(a) Caravel.
(b) Caspian.
(c) Charleston.
(d) Canordron.

5. Who falls off a cliff?
(a) Eustace.
(b) Edmond.
(c) Jill.
(d) Aslan.

6. Trumpkin allows who to stay?
(a) The lion.
(b) The wolf.
(c) The witch.
(d) The children.

7. The next morning after breakfast, the nurse brings all of the companions together in whose room?
(a) The Queen's.
(b) Jill's.
(c) Puddleglum's.
(d) Eustace's.

8. Where is Jill crying at the beginning of the book?
(a) In her bed.
(b) In the park.
(c) In science class.
(d) Behind the gym.

9. The ideas the lady planted in the children's heads about _______ makes them irritable.
(a) Friendly Giants.
(b) Finding the ruined city.
(c) Warm beds.
(d) Hot food.

10. The travelers walk for several weeks, killing ______ for food and sleeping on the ground.
(a) Birds.
(b) Deer.
(c) Squirrels.
(d) Rabbits.

11. The children decide that they must pretend to be _______ about the feast.
(a) Happy.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Upset.
(d) Curious.

12. A few minutes later the nurse comes to take them to watch the king and queen leave on a what?
(a) Mission of mercy.
(b) Vacation.
(c) Honeymoon.
(d) Hunt.

13. When Jill wants to go on an adventure, who calls Aslan?
(a) Eustace.
(b) Jill.
(c) Lucy
(d) Edmond.

14. The Silver Chair by C.S. Lewis is one of the wonderful novels included in what series?
(a) Chronicles of Narnia.
(b) Chronicles of Riddick.
(c) Riddick and the Chronicles of Narnia.
(d) Narnian Tomes.

15. On their new voyage, Jill and her companions must ___________.
(a) Cross a steep cliff.
(b) Cross a raging river.
(c) Climb a giant mountain.
(d) Cross a dry desert.

Short Answer Questions

1. The children spotted a ________ when they saw the lights in the distance.

2. A talking what greets Jill and Eustace, after Jill questions Eustace about recognizing people in the harbor?

3. Jill is very upset about this, especially when Eustace points out they must have been walking in the ________ when Jill fell in the trench.

4. The servant returns and says they are wanted in the what?

5. The irritability causes Jill to do what?

(see the answer keys)

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