Silk Test | Final Test - Medium

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silk Test | Final Test - Medium

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Joncour take the letter to be translated?
(a) Paris.
(b) China.
(c) Madame Blanche's.
(d) Kiev.

2. On the fourth trip to Japan, how does Joncour finally get silk eggs?
(a) He buys them from Hara Kei.
(b) He bribes an army official.
(c) He bribes a Japanese official.
(d) He buys them in China.

3. Who wrote the letters to Joncour?
(a) Baldabiou.
(b) The mistress.
(c) Jean Berbeck.
(d) Helene.

4. After his last trip to Japan, what is Joncour doing when Helene comes to kiss him goodnight?
(a) Reading a book.
(b) Staring into space.
(c) Reading the note.
(d) Looking at the letter.

5. Who could Baldabiou NOT tell a lie to about Joncour wanting to go to Japan for the fourth trip?
(a) Helene.
(b) Madame Blanche.
(c) Joncour.
(d) The mistress.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joncour find on Helene's grave 2 months after she dies?

2. What does Joncour hear when the procession with the mistress goes by him?

3. How many girls do Helene and Joncour have?

4. Where is the event held that Helene and Joncour attend on the Riviera?

5. When Helene and Joncour see Baldabiou off at the train station, what does Helene do?

Short Essay Questions

1. For the fourth trip to Japan, who makes the decision to go? Why is this startling? Why does Baldabiou lie to everyone except Helene about the trip?

2. What happens the morning after Hara Kei's party? Why do you think Hara Kei left? How does Joncour find the aviary? What is this saying to Joncour?

3. On the fourth trip to Japan, when Joncour offers gold to Hara Kei, what is he buying?

4. The envelope that Joncour receives is mailed from Ostend, which is in Belgium. Who do you think sent the letters knowing this information?

5. On the fourth trip to Japan, describe the young boy that Joncour follows? What is he playing? Why would he play music as they wander through the villages?

6. What does Joncour know about the Englishman they meet at the Riviera at the baron's birthday party? What is he wearing? Why is he upset when he looks at his wife and the Englishman?

7. What does Joncour mean when he says to the Englishman, "We are all marvelous, and we are all revolting"?

8. Why does the author describe the train trip so vividly returning from Japan on the fourth trip? What is the significance of the heat that Joncour sees on the fields and with the other passengers? What is he watching happening?

9. Why do Joncour and Helene name a daughter Agnes? What is this referring to? Who is this a tribute to?

10. When Joncour finally tells Baldabiou about the girl in Japan he says, "To die of nostalgia for something you will never live," what does he mean?

(see the answer keys)

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