Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How many silk eggs can a person hold in their hand?
(a) Millions.
(b) Just 2.
(c) 1000s.
(d) 100.

2. Where is the party that Hara Kei holds and invites Joncour to on his third trip?
(a) On the beach.
(b) In the village.
(c) At Hara Kei's house.
(d) By the lake.

3. What business is downstairs that Madame Blanche also owns?
(a) A ticketing office for ships.
(b) A draper's shop.
(c) A cigar shop.
(d) A silk shop.

4. What happens to the silk eggs in Europe at the beginning of the novel?
(a) They are all given away to China.
(b) They stop growing in France.
(c) An epidemic hits and kills the eggs.
(d) The human plague virus attacks them.

5. What does Joncour enjoy in life?
(a) His villa.
(b) His possessions.
(c) His garden.
(d) His paintings.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Herve Joncour's father want him to do for a living?

2. By Imperial Decree, how many masts could a ship have sailing into Japan's harbors?

3. What happens in Japan after Joncour's second trip?

4. To whom did Baldabiou dedicate the building next to the silk factory?

5. Who lives across the street from Joncour?

Short Essay Questions

1. When Hara Kei tells Joncour that the mistress "doesn't speak your language", is he referring to more that French? What is he trying to tell Joncour?

2. When Joncour turns 33-years-old, how does the author describe his life? How is peace compared to rain? Why do you think the author used this description?

3. Why does the mistress bring an Asian girl for Joncour? What is this a symbol of for both of them?

4. When Joncour meets the Englishman in Japan who is selling guns, he asks about the girl. What is the Englishman's reply? Do you think the Englishman has seen the girl? Do you think he knows more than he is saying? What?

5. Do you think Joncour's feminine attributes played into his father's decision that Joncour should pursue a life in the military? What does this say about the character of Joncour's father? What does this say about Joncour?

6. How many silk eggs can you hold in your hands? Why did they refer to this as "a fortune in your hands"?

7. Describe how silk eggs hatch and what happens to them.

8. Why are the silkworms of Japan not affected by disease? What is their history of trade?

9. When Hara Kei asks Joncour who he is, what does he tell him? Why does he give so much detail? Is it necessary to tell the whole truth? Why does Joncour do this?

10. What happened when Jean Berbeck decided not to speak anymore? Why is this significant information in getting to know the character of Joncour?

(see the answer keys)

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