Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silk Test | Final Test - Easy

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the boy playing who accompanies Joncour to find Hara Kei on the fourth trip to Japan?
(a) A reed instrument.
(b) A harmonica.
(c) A guitar.
(d) A trumpet.

2. What does Madame Blanche say about Japan?
(a) That she was sent away from Japan and cannot return.
(b) That she loves Japan, but cannot return.
(c) That, if she returns to Japan, she is a dead woman.
(d) That she would prefer to forget Japan.

3. When Joncour arrives in the village of Hara Kei on the fourth trip, what, in his mind, does he see?
(a) The end of the world.
(b) The village as it once was.
(c) The light off the water.
(d) The face of the mistress.

4. What does Helene ask Joncour to promise before he leaves for his fourth trip to Japan?
(a) To return.
(b) To return early.
(c) To go through China.
(d) To stay if he wants to.

5. For the letters to be translated, Joncour must promise what?
(a) That he'll sleep with Madame Blanche.
(b) That he'll pay money.
(c) That he'll never ask about Japan.
(d) That he'll never return.

6. On the fourth trip to Japan, how does Joncour finally get silk eggs?
(a) He bribes a Japanese official.
(b) He buys them from Hara Kei.
(c) He buys them in China.
(d) He bribes an army official.

7. What does Joncour do with the envelope he receives after his last trip to Japan?
(a) He carries it with him for days.
(b) He stores it in the house across the street.
(c) He throws it away.
(d) He hides it with his folded shirts.

8. How long does Joncour stay at the village of Hara Kei on the fourth trip, surveying the damage?
(a) For days.
(b) He leaves immediately.
(c) For a week.
(d) For hours.

9. What is in the sink at the house that Joncour buys?
(a) Bugs.
(b) Food.
(c) Cleanser.
(d) Dishes.

10. On the way home on the third trip, how long does it take Joncour to arrive home?
(a) 1 month.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 41 days.
(d) 3 months.

11. Where does Joncour say the eggs hatched on his return fourth trip from Japan?
(a) Japan.
(b) Lake Baikal.
(c) Somewhere in northern China.
(d) Eberfield.

12. When asked about the war in Japan, how does Joncour respond?
(a) That it was not the way he expected.
(b) That it was peaceful.
(c) That it was terrible.
(d) That it was silent.

13. After his last trip to Japan, what is Joncour doing when Helene comes to kiss him goodnight?
(a) Reading the note.
(b) Looking at the letter.
(c) Reading a book.
(d) Staring into space.

14. Where is the event held that Helene and Joncour attend on the Riviera?
(a) In the Piazza Restaurant.
(b) At the Hotel Suisse.
(c) On the beach.
(d) At the Hotel Nice.

15. What tone are the letters written in?
(a) A sexual tone.
(b) An excited tone.
(c) A happy tone.
(d) A bland tone.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Joncour asks about Hara Kei the morning after the party, what is he told?

2. What does Joncour draw designs for after he buys the other house?

3. What does Joncour offer Hara Kei when he catches up to him on the fourth trip?

4. What does Joncour pack the eggs in for his fourth trip home?

5. Why is Joncour drawn to the light on the lake, and what does he think it is?

(see the answer keys)

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