Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silk Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Alessandro Baricco
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 162 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Herve Joncour's father want him to do for a living?
(a) Have a career in the army.
(b) Be a silk manufacturer.
(c) Be mayor.
(d) Be a baker.

2. Once Europe has been exhausted of silk eggs, where does Joncour go for eggs first?
(a) Syria and Egypt.
(b) China.
(c) Belgium.
(d) America.

3. What happens every time Hara Kei appears?
(a) The servants disappear.
(b) He has the mistress with him.
(c) He is always dressed in red.
(d) The servants follow him.

4. Where is the party that Hara Kei holds and invites Joncour to on his third trip?
(a) On the beach.
(b) By the lake.
(c) In the village.
(d) At Hara Kei's house.

5. What does Madame Blanche say the note reads?
(a) "I love you."
(b) "Come back or I shall die."
(c) "I need you."
(d) "I miss you."

6. What does Hara Kei always call Joncour?
(a) My foreign friend.
(b) My friend in crime.
(c) My French friend.
(d) My mistress' love.

7. What animal sculpture does Baldabiou want in the middle of his garden?
(a) A snake.
(b) A sphinx.
(c) A tiger.
(d) A dolphin.

8. Other than money, what does Joncour have for his trip to Japan?
(a) His luggage.
(b) Passage already booked ahead of time.
(c) A good map.
(d) The names of 3 men: a Chinaman, Dutchman and Japanese man.

9. By Imperial Decree, how many masts could a ship have sailing into Japan's harbors?
(a) 1 mast.
(b) None.
(c) 2 masts.
(d) 5 masts.

10. When Baldabiou returned to the mayor with the money made from the factories, what did he call the mayor?
(a) An idiot.
(b) A fool.
(c) A genius.
(d) A blockhead.

11. When Hara Kei was a child, his father told him to shoot an arrow into the air. What was Hara Hei supposed to do after that?
(a) Follow the flight of the arrow to find his fortune.
(b) Get the dead bird.
(c) Watch it disappear from view.
(d) Shoot another arrow in the opposite direction.

12. What is remarkable about the young girl with Hara Kei?
(a) She has blue eyes.
(b) She has very dark skin.
(c) She is very thin.
(d) She does not have an Asian look to her eyes.

13. Where is the mistress seated at the party at Hara Kei's house?
(a) Next to her maid.
(b) Alone.
(c) Next to Hara Kei.
(d) Next to Joncour.

14. What does Baldabiou observe about the silkworm trade in 1861?
(a) That he can make a forture swindling people for silk eggs.
(b) That Africa is not affected.
(c) That "nearly" all the eggs were affected by disease, but not all.
(d) That the making of silk may be over for good.

15. How much money does Joncour have for his trip to Japan?
(a) 10,000 dollars.
(b) 20 yen.
(c) One million francs.
(d) 80,000 francs in gold.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Baldabiou show the mayor when he first arrived in town?

2. What happens to Joncour's neighbor in the end?

3. What kind of silkworm eggs does Joncour buy in 1861?

4. What does Joncour do for the rest of the year when he's not working?

5. With whom does Joncour negotiate the sale of silk eggs the first time?

(see the answer keys)

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