Silent Spring Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silent Spring Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 101 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was infected with chemicals that led to the death of so many robins?
(a) Nest building material
(b) Water
(c) Earthworms
(d) Air

2. How long can chemicals remain in the soil to which they are applied?
(a) 1 month
(b) A few days
(c) 1 year
(d) 12 years

3. The business of chemical _______ is booming because people approach plant life without thinking about any perspective but their own immediate desires.
(a) Cleaners
(b) Weed killers
(c) Cosmetics
(d) Fragrances

4. What was one of the chemicals used in the massive spraying in #78?
(a) Bitter orange
(b) DDT
(c) Melatonin
(d) Aldrin

5. What is not one of the animal species which are bolstered by the inclusion of sagebrush in the West?
(a) Sage grouse
(b) Mule deer
(c) Pronghorn antelope
(d) Red tailed hawk

6. Humans __________ plants when an an immediate use is not obvious for a plant.
(a) Eat
(b) Destroy
(c) Move
(d) Test

7. Chemical insecticides and herbicides are challenging because they are _____________.
(a) Difficult to detect
(b) Sometimes safe
(c) Hidden from view
(d) Ignored

8. DDT is passed long through the ___________ during the course of nearly everyone's life.
(a) Food chain
(b) Exhaust fumes
(c) Packaged foods
(d) Air

9. Large areas of Michigan were sprayed in 1959 in order to try to control what insect?
(a) Chinese ladybug
(b) Japanese beetle
(c) Fireflies
(d) Locusts

10. Without the Earth's ________, there could be no plants.
(a) Water
(b) Soil
(c) Human help
(d) Light

11. What did the earthworms dine on that infected them with DDT?
(a) Flowers
(b) Mulch of elm leaves
(c) Soil
(d) Bird droppings

12. In 1960, in the Klamath/Tule Lake region, agricultural pesticides were collected in the water bodies of a _____________.
(a) Swimming pool
(b) Library
(c) Toilet
(d) Wildlife refuge

13. Every human being now has contact with _________ every moment of his life - even from conception.
(a) Nature
(b) Dangerous chemicals
(c) Pests
(d) Insects

14. _____________ hurts the soil on a virtually permanent basis, according to Carson.
(a) Arsenic
(b) DDT
(c) Wild orange oil
(d) Corn crops

15. What is contaminated with DDT so that it ends up affecting a human consumer of eggs?
(a) Hay in the barn
(b) Water
(c) Chicken feed
(d) Farmers

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the naturally occurring mineral that is toxic to humans and most creatures but is still used as a pesticide?

2. ______________ birds have also died as a result of the elm spraying.

3. Attempts to control a particular ________ in Clear Lake, California resulted in massive bird death.

4. What happens to the people in the beginning description which puzzles doctors?

5. In many cases, the spraying is killing wildflowers which attract ___________.

(see the answer keys)

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