Silent Snow, Secret Snow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silent Snow, Secret Snow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul do before he answers the doctor?
(a) Taps the doctor's shoulder.
(b) Frowns.
(c) Smiles.
(d) Waves at the snow.

2. How is Paul's mother's attempt to help him described?
(a) An unacceptable act of malice.
(b) An act of anger and hate.
(c) An act of violent betrayal.
(d) An irrational act of judgment.

3. What does the doctor observe about Paul toward the end of his questioning?
(a) That Paul is taking it too seriously.
(b) That Paul is watching the snow.
(c) That Paul is still daydreaming.
(d) That Paul is not taking it seriously.

4. How is the snow's presence different during Paul's examination?
(a) It is gentler.
(b) It is brighter.
(c) It is heavier.
(d) It is louder.

5. What is the doctor doing with his fingers, as Paul observes?
(a) Scratching the button on his coat.
(b) Scratching the top of his glasses.
(c) Scratching the side of his head.
(d) Scratching his chin.

6. What term is given to the actions of Paul's mother in Part 4?
(a) A cruel disturbance.
(b) A cruel setback.
(c) A mild disturbance.
(d) A mild setback.

7. What does the snow encourage Paul to do as his parents and the doctor are waiting for his response?
(a) Banish them.
(b) Ignore them.
(c) Pity them.
(d) Listen to them.

8. Where does the new stream of flakes come from in Paul's room?
(a) Underneath the bed.
(b) The window.
(c) Through the roof.
(d) The door.

9. How does Paul consider the questions being asked of him in Part 3?
(a) Exciting.
(b) Upsetting.
(c) As a nuisance.
(d) As a joy.

10. As Paul further resents the examination, what type of parody does he call it?
(a) Pathetic.
(b) Ironic.
(c) Grotesque.
(d) Sad.

11. What does Paul assume that his parents would think about him if they discovered the snow?
(a) Crazy things about him.
(b) Sad things about him.
(c) True things about him.
(d) Untrue things about him.

12. How are the doctor's eyelids as he questions Paul?
(a) Wide open.
(b) Low.
(c) High.
(d) Closed.

13. How does Paul feel when he is rushed at by his mother?
(a) Horrified.
(b) Ambiguous.
(c) Delirious.
(d) Confused.

14. What does the snow almost do to the floor?
(a) Erase it.
(b) Clean it.
(c) Overwhelm it.
(d) Shrink it.

15. What fills the night as the author describes?
(a) A prolonged anger.
(b) A prolonged sibilance.
(c) A prolonged intrusion.
(d) A prolonged silence.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the doctor ask Paul to do in the beginning of his examination?

2. How does the snow tell Paul to prepare for what is coming?

3. From where does the snow speak to Paul as he jumps into his bed?

4. As Paul reads in Part 3, who is the son of Cronus?

5. After his father indicates concern, what does Paul think of the doctor's questioning?

(see the answer keys)

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