Silent Snow, Secret Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silent Snow, Secret Snow Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Paul wonder as he looks at his house?
(a) If he has ever left his room.
(b) If he has ever seen the snow.
(c) If he is becoming paranoid.
(d) If he is starting to hallucinate.

2. What kind of swelling does the cat have on its cheek?
(a) A curious one.
(b) A sickly one.
(c) A familiar one.
(d) A healthy one.

3. Where is the birdhouse?
(a) On the porch.
(b) In the yard.
(c) In the cherry tree.
(d) In the apple tree.

4. How does Paul describe the coin that matches his secret?
(a) Silver.
(b) Old.
(c) New.
(d) Gold.

5. How does Paul hear the bell ring during his secret's first appearance?
(a) Long and stinging.
(b) Quickly and sharply.
(c) Abrupt and soothing.
(d) Thinly and softly.

6. What does Paul do with his secret?
(a) He lends it to people.
(b) He wears it proudly.
(c) He boasts about it to people.
(d) He carries it around with him.

7. Why is the birdhouse empty?
(a) It is the wrong time of year for wrens.
(b) It is the wrong time of year for robins.
(c) It is too warm for the birds.
(d) It is too small for the birds.

8. What cannot compare with the snow, according to Paul?
(a) A play.
(b) A great novel.
(c) An epic poem.
(d) A fairy tale.

9. What does Paul imagine while looking through his window?
(a) That he can see his bedroom wall.
(b) That he can see his mother.
(c) That he can see his father.
(d) That he can see himself.

10. As Paul arrives at his house in Part 2, what does he feel about the one thing he had looked forward to?
(a) Contempt toward it.
(b) Oblivious to it.
(c) Deprived of it.
(d) Consumed by it.

11. How does Paul feel about his mother as Part 1 ends?
(a) He feels contempt for her.
(b) He feels sorry for her.
(c) He feels resentment toward her.
(d) He feels closer to her than before.

12. What is the most distressing feature of Paul's secret?
(a) The inability to respond to his mother and father.
(b) The embarrassment of his mother and father.
(c) The inability to hear his mother and father.
(d) The conflict between him and his mother and father.

13. How does Paul now view the bare roofs?
(a) As his reality.
(b) As his failure.
(c) As his reward.
(d) As his imagination.

14. How many times does the postman knock on each door?
(a) Three times.
(b) Once.
(c) Four times.
(d) Twice.

15. What is Paul listening for the postman to do when his secret appears?
(a) Walk away from the house.
(b) Stop.
(c) Run down the street.
(d) Round the corner.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is it becoming harder to do for Paul?

2. What does Paul compare his secret to in the beginning of the story?

3. What color is the hydrant with the painted chain on it that Paul sees?

4. What does Paul imagine was NOT recorded as the dog walked through the wet cement?

5. What does Paul contemplate about the following morning in Part 2?

(see the answer keys)

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