Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Hard

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Hard

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act Two, what do the characters discuss in a digression?

2. In Act Two, what does Samant call Benare?

3. What does Samant think about the discussion about spitting out pan in Act Two?

4. In Act Two, what does Samant say he heard inside Damle’s room?

5. How does Karnik respond to Sukhatme's questions in Act Two?

Short Essay Questions

1. In his testimony, Samant says the door to Damle’s room was locked. What does that foreshadow in the play?

2. During his testimony, Samant calls Benare a “very nice lady.” What does that say about his character and his treatment of Benare?

3. Mr. Kashikar repeatedly reprimands his wife to be quiet every time she speaks. What effect does this have on her?

4. During Rokde’s testimony, Kashikar calls him a “buffoon.” What does that say about Kashikar’s treatment of Rokde?

5. During his testimony, Karnik defines a mother as only one who gives birth to a child. What does that say about his character and treatment of Benare?

6. Samant says he heard a woman crying from inside Damle’s room but surmised it was not a member of Damle’s family. How did he know the woman was not a member of Damle’s family?

7. At the end of Samant’s testimony, stage notes indicate that “a peculiar joy begins to show on everyone’s face but Samant’s.” Why?

8. Benare repeatedly calls Rokde “Balu” even though he asks her not to call him that. What does that say about her character?

9. The tone of the play shifts from light-hearted joking to vicious bullying of Benare that leaves her devastated. What scene can be said to be the turning point in the play?

10. When Ponkshe is testifying, Benare sticks her tongue out at him. What does that say about her character?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

When Benare talks about her teaching, she says “people are jealous.” Do you think jealousy is a motivation for the other characters’ bullying of Benare? Explain why.

Essay Topic 2

With the exception of Samant, none of the characters in the play are particularly nice to one another. Select and describe specific examples of how the Kashikars – particularly Kashikar – treat Rokde, their foster child.

Essay Topic 3

Much is said in the play about mothers and mothering, but with differing definitions. Discuss how motherhood is defined from different characters’ points of view.

(see the answer keys)

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