Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Medium

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Medium

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Samant respond to Benare's joking in Act Two?
(a) He is embarrassed.
(b) He laughs.
(c) He leaves the room.
(d) He gets angry.

2. What does Sukhatme call Ponkshe in Act Two?
(a) Mr. Prime Objective.
(b) An Intellectual.
(c) The world-famous scientist.
(d) Mrs. Hand-That-Rocks-the-Cradle.

3. How does Benare respond to Karnik's testimony in Act Two?
(a) She is tense.
(b) She laughs.
(c) She picks her ear.
(d) She goes to the bathroom.

4. In Act Two, what does Sukhatme think is the reason Benare is so upset?
(a) Kashikar keeps reprimanding her.
(b) Mrs. Kashikar didn't get a garland for her.
(c) Sukhatme has not yet called her to the witness stand.
(d) There is some truth to Samant's testimony.

5. In Act Two, who else does Benare say she has been alone with?
(a) Rokde.
(b) Samant.
(c) Karnik.
(d) Ponkshe.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Samant initially respond to Sukhatme's line of questioning in Act Two?

2. What does Samant think of Benare in Act Two?

3. How does Karnik respond to Sukhatme's questions in Act Two?

4. How long do the characters decide it takes to spit out pan in Act Two?

5. In Act Two, what does Benare threaten to do?

Short Essay Questions

1. During his testimony, Ponkshe slips out of the witness stand to talk to Karnik. What does that say about his attitude toward the proceedings?

2. Samant says he heard a woman crying from inside Damle’s room but surmised it was not a member of Damle’s family. How did he know the woman was not a member of Damle’s family?

3. When Ponkshe is sworn in, he places his hand on the Oxford English Dictionary. What does that symbolize in the play?

4. When the other characters collude to choose Benare as the accused and decide on her charge, Samant was buying cigarettes and pan for them. Explain the significance of Samant’s absence from the play at that time.

5. Both Sukhatme and Kashikar open the play by extolling the virtues of motherhood. How does that foreshadow what is revealed later in the play?

6. Rokde testifies that he saw Benare alone with Damle, to which she responds that she could provide the names and addresses of 25 more people with whom she is alone at times. What is telling about her response?

7. During Samant’s testimony, Benare finally cries out with anger. Why does she become suddenly provoked?

8. At the beginning of the imaginary play, the characters waste time discussing how long it takes to spit out pan. What does this say about their attitude toward the proceedings?

9. During Rokde’s testimony, Kashikar calls him a “buffoon.” What does that say about Kashikar’s treatment of Rokde?

10. At the end of Samant’s testimony, stage notes indicate that “Except for Samant, everyone’s expression changes. A peculiar and cautious excitement breaks out of each face.” Why?

(see the answer keys)

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