Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Easy

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silence! The Court Is in Session Test | Final Test - Easy

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act Two, how does Rokde say Benare reacted when she saw him?
(a) She laughed.
(b) Her face fell.
(c) She stuck her tongue out at him.
(d) She told him a children's story.

2. In Act Two, how does Karnik define a mother?
(a) One who protects the infant she has borne.
(b) One who gives birth.
(c) One who gives birth to pups.
(d) One who cruelly strangles the infant she has borne to death.

3. In Act Two, how does Samant respond to Benare's outburst?
(a) Sympathetically.
(b) Angrily.
(c) Cruelly.
(d) Emotionally.

4. In Act Two, why can Samant not tell what happened after Damle's "terrifying laugh"?
(a) Benare has left the room.
(b) He cannot find the page.
(c) Kashikar reprimands him.
(d) Sukhatme interrupts him.

5. In Act Two, what does Kashikar call Rokde?
(a) A baby.
(b) A buffoon.
(c) Mrs. Hand-That-Rocks-the-Cradle.
(d) Mr. Prime Objective.

6. In Act Two, why can Benare not leave the room?
(a) The door is locked from the outside.
(b) The others restrain her.
(c) Kashikar reprimands her.
(d) Samant asks her to stay.

7. What does Samant think about the discussion about spitting out pan in Act Two?
(a) He thinks it is interesting.
(b) He is embarrassed.
(c) He is exasperated.
(d) He is bored.

8. What do the characters waste time debating at the beginning of the imaginary case?
(a) How to arrange the furniture.
(b) How long it takes to spit out pan.
(c) How long it takes to go to the bathroom.
(d) How long it will take Damle to arrive.

9. What does Benare keep calling Rokde in Act Two?
(a) Gopal.
(b) Samant.
(c) Balu.
(d) Raghu.

10. In Act Two, what does Samant call Benare?
(a) Mrs. Hand-That-Rocks-the-Cradle.
(b) A baby.
(c) A very nice lady.
(d) A buffoon.

11. What does Ponkshe discuss in his opening remarks for the prosecution in Act Two?
(a) Marriage.
(b) Motherhood.
(c) Fatherhood.
(d) Childhood.

12. In Act Two, what do the characters discuss in a digression?
(a) Cleaning rituals.
(b) Cooking recipes.
(c) Sleeping habits.
(d) Exercise routines.

13. In Act Two, what does Sukhatme think is the reason Benare is so upset?
(a) Mrs. Kashikar didn't get a garland for her.
(b) Sukhatme has not yet called her to the witness stand.
(c) There is some truth to Samant's testimony.
(d) Kashikar keeps reprimanding her.

14. What does Kashikar have a habit of doing during the mock trial?
(a) Picking his nose.
(b) Spitting pan.
(c) Picking his ear.
(d) Going to the bathroom.

15. In Act Two, who does Rokde say he saw at Damle's house?
(a) Samant.
(b) Karnik.
(c) Ponkshe.
(d) Benare.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Act Two, what does Samant say Damle did at Damle's door?

2. In Act Two, who does Sukhatme call to the witness stand after Samant?

3. In Act Two, what does Rokde say Damle and Benare were doing at Damle's house?

4. In Act Two, what does Samant say he and Benare talked about when they were alone together?

5. In Act Two, who else does Benare say she has been alone with?

(see the answer keys)

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