Silence! The Court Is in Session Character Descriptions

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silence! The Court Is in Session Character Descriptions

Priya Adarkar Vijay Tendulkar
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Leela Benare

This character, an unmarried schoolteacher in her early 30s, is the central character in the play and the target of bullying by the other characters.

Raghunath Bhikaji Samant

This character is a simple local villager who is the only character who is sympathetic to the central character.


This character, a social worker in real life, plays the judge in the mock trial and speaks very disparagingly throughout the play to both his wife and adopted son.

Mrs. Kashikar

This character is the wife of the character who plays the judge in the mock trial and the only woman other than the central character.


This character, a failed lawyer in real life, plays the lawyers for both the prosecution and the defense in the mock trial.

Gopal Ponkshe

This character is a science student who has failed his exams and now works as a clerk in...

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