Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is Jame Gumb's physical description?
2. Clarice shares her worst memory with Dr. Lecter. What is that memory?
3. How does Miggs die?
4. How does Buffalo Bill subdue his latest victim?
5. What creature from her childhood reminds Clarice of Dr. Chilton?
Short Essay Questions
1. How is Clarice rewarded or punished for her actions in Raspail's storage area and her subsequent conversation with Dr. Lecter?
2. Why would Dr. Lecter be offended by being interviewed by a FBI trainee? How does he control the environment around him? How does he control the conversation with Clarice?
3. What were the circumstances surrounding Benjamin Raspail's death? What was his actual cause of death?
4. Working under time pressure, what information will Clarice present to Dr. Lecter as inside information? Why is Clarice not to trust Dr. Chilton?
5. Why doesn't Dr. Lecter think that Buffalo Bill is a sadist, and what does he think Buffalo Bill actually wants?
6. What does Crawford think about Dr. Lecter's eerily accurate prediction that the girl would be scalped? How does Crawford feel about Dr. Lecter's other, unsubstantiated prediction?
7. Why does Dr. Lecter refer to Clarice as a "cheap redneck, one generation out of the mines"? What might he hope to accomplish by insulting her?
8. What is Crawford's angle to get Dr. Lecter to assist the FBI in the Buffalo Bill investigation?
9. How do Dr. Lecter's taunts and remarks affect Clarice? Is her character strong enough to face a madman like Dr. Lecter?
10. In Chapter 1, who is the serial killer the FBI wants to interview, and what does he offer to Clarice?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
One theme of this book is control and the loss or lack of it. Which characters seem to have control over their own situations, if any? Which characters are defined by their lack of control, and how do they work to gain control? Does control seem to be important to the FBI? The senator? Jame Gumb? Dr. Chilton? Clarice? Dr. Lecter? Jack Crawford? Why or why not?
Essay Topic 2
Clarisse is a strong, independent woman, but in the beginning of the novel, one gets the feeling that she is slightly intimidated by the men around her. Why would Clarisse feel intimidated? Is there a turning point where she no longer appears to feel intimidated? If so, when does that turning point occur, and what happens to make you feel that she has finally come to feel equal to the men around her?
Essay Topic 3
Describe Jame Gumb's basement. How did he use the back rooms? Why did he stop using the back rooms? Where does he keep Catherine Martin? What does he call his victims to depersonalize them? What does he demand that his victims do to their skin every day and why?
This section contains 1,423 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |