The Silence of the Lambs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silence of the Lambs Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did the Senator offer Dr. Lecter special privileges for his assistance in finding her daughter?
(a) She knows that Dr. Lecter will do anything for publicity.
(b) She is desperate to find her daughter.
(c) She is not aware that special privileges have been offered in her name.
(d) The Senator thinks that no one other than Dr. Lecter will be able to solve this case.

2. Why did Jack Crawford turn down Dr. Lecter's original offer of assistance in the Buffalo Bill case?
(a) Because Dr. Lecter's first offer was not sincere.
(b) Because Dr. Lecter lied about what he knew.
(c) Because Dr. Lecter made a previous offer of assistance resulted in the near-death of an FBI agent.
(d) Because Dr. Lecter was a convicted murderer.

3. What question does Buffalo Bill ask of the girl he abducts in Chapter 15?
(a) If she is about a size fourteen.
(b) If she is a Chianti drinker.
(c) If she likes popcorn.
(d) If her mother knows that she is smoking hashish.

4. Dr. Lecter gave Clarice Klaus's cause of death. What did he say it was?
(a) Suicide by hanging.
(b) He was poisoned by an angry former lover.
(c) Auto-erotic asphyxiation during sex with Benjamin Raspail.
(d) He was shot during a robbery at a convenience store.

5. What happened to Benjamin Raspail's car?
(a) It was sold to a reckless teenager who wrecked it.
(b) It was smashed into a cube.
(c) It was sold three times and finally tracked to the latest owner.
(d) It was parked in an impound lot and forgotten.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who hits on Clarice in Chapter 2 but is immediately shot down?

2. In Chapter 22, Dr. Lecter tells Clarice that Buffalo Bill wants what?

3. Why did Clarice get angry with Jack Crawford at the funeral home?

4. The victims are discovered in which state?

5. What does Noble Pilcher tell Clarice that the word "moth" once meant?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is an imago, and how does this relate to Buffalo Bill?

2. Why is Clarice so eager to run headlong into uncertainty?

3. In response to their agreement in Chapter 25, what details does Dr. Lecter reveal about Buffalo Bill?

4. How do Dr. Lecter's taunts and remarks affect Clarice? Is her character strong enough to face a madman like Dr. Lecter?

5. What benefits comprise the proposal package that Clarice puts together for Dr. Lecter in Senator Martin's name, and what is unique about the vacation spot?

6. What might the Black Witch Moth symbolize to Buffalo Bill?

7. Why is Clarice so eager to get into Raspail's storage unit? Does she truly think that any tip from Dr. Lecter would be true?

8. Though Dr. Lecter does not believe the senator's offer is genuine because Crawford would never allow Dr. Lecter to benefit, for what does Dr. Lecter agree to offer his cooperation in exchange for, and how does he begin collecting on the proposal immediately?

9. Why is Dr. Lecter called "Hannibal the Cannibal"? Give an example. Does his viciousness tell you anything about his psychoses?

10. In Chapter 18, Crawford explains that he wants Clarice to talk to Dr. Lecter again. Why?

(see the answer keys)

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