The Silence of the Lambs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Silence of the Lambs Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of machine does Catherine Martin hear while she is in the pit?
(a) A refrigerator.
(b) A sewing machine.
(c) A washing machine.
(d) A car.

2. In Chapter 31, what does Barney get for Clarice?
(a) Dr. Chilton's date book.
(b) Dr. Lecter's remaining personal items.
(c) A cup of coffee, black.
(d) Dr. Lecter's journal.

3. What kind of gun does Jame Gumb own?
(a) Midnight Special.
(b) AK 47.
(c) BB Gun.
(d) Colt Python.

4. What does the armoire in Jame Gumb's sewing room contain?
(a) Outfits he has sewn for Precious.
(b) His mother's keepsakes.
(c) His Special Things.
(d) His sewing supplies.

5. In Chapter 42, who calls Jack Crawford with information about an urgent bulletin?
(a) Dr. Chilton
(b) Jerry Burroughs.
(c) Paul Krendler.
(d) Clarice.

6. In Chapter 41, how does Catherine Martin try to get Jame Gumb to let her out of the pit?
(a) By making a sexual proposition while she is naked.
(b) By threatening him with her mother's powerful connections.
(c) By offering to marry him.
(d) By saying she will be his girlfriend.

7. What is the name of the Hostage Rescue Team's commander?
(a) Jack Crawford.
(b) Jacob Wright.
(c) Joel Randall.
(d) Jame Gumb.

8. In Chapter 43, what is the name of Dr. Lecter's latest victim?
(a) Lloyd Wyman.
(b) Benjamin Raspail.
(c) Kimberly Emberg.
(d) Frederica Bimmel.

9. What happened to Buffalo Bill's victims who were kept in the back rooms of his basement?
(a) They were left suspended from the ceiling until they died.
(b) They were brutally tortured and electrocuted.
(c) Many were walled up in rooms while they were still alive.
(d) They were chained to the wall and allowed to slowly starve to death.

10. The men find Dr. Lecter's body on top of the elevator. What do they realize as they bring the body through the elevator ceiling hatch?
(a) That it is actually the body of Pembry.
(b) That Dr. Lecter committed suicide by jumping into the elevator shaft.
(c) That Dr. Lecter is barely alive, but he will not survive the night.
(d) That Dr. Lecter was in really good shape.

11. Describe Pembry's condition when Sergeant Tate's men reach the fifth floor.
(a) His head has been shoved between the bars of the cage, and his face has been chewed off.
(b) He has been decapitated.
(c) His face is grotesquely disfigured, but he is still alive.
(d) He is dead, and his hands have been removed.

12. In Chapter 36, what does Dr. Lecter bite?
(a) Pembry's face.
(b) A liverworst sandwich.
(c) His tongue.
(d) Boyle's fingers.

13. Why does Jame Gumb invite Clarice into his house?
(a) To get her a business card for Mrs. Lippman's lawyer.
(b) To kill her.
(c) Clarice admires Precious and wants to play with the dog.
(d) To offer her a drink.

14. What does the FBI order Jack Crawford to do in Chapter 39?
(a) Arrest Dr. Chilton.
(b) Go to Catherine Martin's apartment and look for more evidence.
(c) Take compassionate leave.
(d) Find Buffalo Bill or face the possibility of being demoted.

15. With Dr. Lecter driving his care, where was Lloyd Wyman riding?
(a) He was buried in a shallow grave, not riding in his car.
(b) In the trunk.
(c) In the back seat.
(d) In the passenger seat.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 57, what is the last piece of good news that Clarice gets?

2. From where does the Death's-head moth originate?

3. What does Clarice do when the moth crawls out of Jame Gumb's robe?

4. What makes Senator Martin afraid that she has trusted a fool in trusting Dr. Chilton?

5. Whom does Senator Martin choose to head up the investigation in Chapter 32?

(see the answer keys)

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