Silas Marner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Silas Marner Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the greatest man in Raveloe?
(a) Silas Marner.
(b) William Dane.
(c) Squire Cass.
(d) Godfrey Cass.

2. Why had Silas Marner’s cottage door been unlocked when Dunsey had entered?
(a) He had forgotten.
(b) The string to lock it was being used to cook his supper.
(c) His neighbors were watching the house for him.
(d) He was not worried about theft and left the door unlocked.

3. Who at the Rainbow does Silas accuse of robbing him?
(a) Godfrey Cass.
(b) Mr. Dowlass.
(c) Mr. Snell, the landlord.
(d) Jem Rodney.

4. What item does Dunsey have with him while he walks back from the hunt towards Silas Marner’s cottage?
(a) Dunsey’s saddle.
(b) Godfrey’s riding whip.
(c) Godfrey’s stirrups.
(d) Squire Cass’s overcoat.

5. Does Silas Marner want to punish the thief who stole his gold?
(a) Yes, but getting his gold back is his main priority.
(b) Yes, he wants to see justice served.
(c) No, he just wants his money back.
(d) No, he wants to find them and forgive them.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who attempts to mediate the conversation at the Rainbow?

2. When Sally Oats is sick, how does Silas Marner heal her?

3. How long is Dunsey in Silas Marner’s cottage looking for the gold?

4. What does Dunsey do after selling Wildfire?

5. What other option does Godfrey see besides confessing to his father?

Short Essay Questions

1. Did Silas Marner suspect the possibility of being robbed? Why or why not?

2. What is the narrative point of view of Silas Marner?

3. The absence of Dunsey and the news of the death of Wildfire drives Godfrey to what decision?

4. What does the incident with the brown earthenware pot show about Silas’ condition?

5. Explain Silas Marner’s reaction to his gold being lost.

6. Why is Godfrey Cass waiting to see his brother, Dunsey in the first scene where we meet them in Chapter 3?

7. Silas Marner turns to what activities to comfort himself in his bitterness?

8. What was Silas Marner’s life in Raveloe like in the years following his arrival from Lantern Yard?

9. How does Eliot portray Silas Marner’s sudden arrival at the Rainbow?

10. Why does Godfrey have such a hard time with the idea of confessing his situation to his father?

(see the answer keys)

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