Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Final Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Final Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the impact of race depiction in popular culture?
(a) Stereotyping that comes across as artificial.
(b) Understanding of differences in cultures.
(c) Racial stereotyping that comes across as natural to the depicted race.
(d) Understanding of differences in traditions.

2. Fill-in the blank. According to Camilo Jose Vergara in "The Ghetto Cityscape," green ghettos are ___________.
(a) Inner city areas that are reclaimed by nature because of neglect or abandonment.
(b) Inner city areas that provide car less commute to the residents.
(c) Inner city area public housing projects that are increasingly focusing on green living.
(d) Inner city area public housing projects that focus on environmental justice.

3. What is the latest example of the Elvis effect, according to Paul C. Taylor?
(a) Impersonation of Elvis in pop music performances.
(b) Impact of Elvis on the music industry.
(c) Cultural appropriation of rap by whites.
(d) Copying the style of Elvis in Las Vegas.

4. Which sports are the leisure activities of the upper class, according to the textbook authors?
(a) Boxing and baseball.
(b) Golf and football.
(c) Golf and sailing
(d) Golf and soccer.

5. What does the term gender refer to?
(a) Behavioral and cultural traits that are defined by society as female.
(b) Being born with male or female sex organs.
(c) One's identification of being a male or a female.
(d) Behavioral and cultural traits that are defined by society as male or female.

6. What does American soccer mainly focus on, according to David Kamp in "America's Spaz-Time?"
(a) Fun over competition.
(b) Competition over fun.
(c) Winning and big money.
(d) Soccer moms and their time with children.

7. How does Daphne Spain describe the workplace in the 90s in her essay "Spatial Segregation and Gender Stratification in the Workplace?"
(a) Most women had contact with men and participated in the decision making process.
(b) Most women had a work space that had doors.
(c) Most women worked in the open spaces of offices.
(d) Women and men worked in segregated workspaces.

8. Who is the cultural icon for females of all ages, from childhood to womanhood, according to Emily Prager?
(a) Samantha-American girl.
(b) Barbie.
(c) Princess Leia.
(d) Mary Poppins.

9. According to the textbook authors, why was the T.V. show Sex and the City popular?
(a) It starred Sarah Jessica Parker.
(b) It challenged the gender codes.
(c) It showed beautiful women professionals.
(d) It is full of glamour and fun.

10. According to the textbook authors, what is a common assumption people make about racism?
(a) Racism is confined to red states.
(b) There is no racism in American society anymore.
(c) Racism is all pervasive.
(d) Racism is confined to rural areas.

11. Who is one of the best and most world famous American cultural icons, according to Michael Eric Dyson?
(a) John F. Kennedy.
(b) Jean Harlow.
(c) Michael Jordan.
(d) Jackie Kennedy Onassis.

12. Which character is an icon of video game culture, according to N'Gai Croal and Jane Hughes?
(a) Pac-Man
(b) Spider Man.
(c) Lara Croft.
(d) Mario.

13. Who expressed concern about a comic hero's sexual orientation?
(a) Newt Gingrich.
(b) Frederic Wertham.
(c) Pat Robertson.
(d) Rush Limbaugh

14. According to Benjamin DeMott, how does Hollywood portray the race relations between blacks and whites?
(a) Neutral.
(b) Controversial.
(c) Friendly.
(d) Caring.

15. What does the essay by Lucy Lippard, "Alternating Currents," describe?
(a) Ambivalence of Americans toward the city and the country.
(b) Aletrnative views of country living.
(c) Alternating views that represent the city and the country.
(d) Alternative views of suburban living.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Andy Medhurst, what does Batman symbolize?

2. What is the common definition of racial profiling?

3. What does the essay, "Warrior Dreams," by James William Gibson, point out?

4. Why do many boys join sports, according to David Kamp?

5. What was the cross-cultural issue faced by Feng Chen in his English composition class?

(see the answer keys)

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