Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Final Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Final Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. According to Andy Medhurst, what does Batman symbolize?
(a) Gay man.
(b) Masculinity.
(c) Transgender man.
(d) White heterosexual man.

2. Who saw boxing as a way to achieve a better life, according to the textbook authors?
(a) Asians.
(b) Whites.
(c) Blacks.
(d) Immigrants.

3. Which of the following toys is mentioned by Gary Cross as the popular American hero figure in the chapter, "American Icons: The Myth Characters of Popular Culture Summary and Analysis?"
(a) Barnie.
(b) Ken.
(c) Arthur.
(d) GI Joe.

4. According to the textbook authors, what is a common assumption people make about racism?
(a) Racism is confined to red states.
(b) Racism is confined to rural areas.
(c) Racism is all pervasive.
(d) There is no racism in American society anymore.

5. Which character is an icon of video game culture, according to N'Gai Croal and Jane Hughes?
(a) Spider Man.
(b) Pac-Man
(c) Mario.
(d) Lara Croft.

6. According to Michael Omi, how are blacks often portrayed by the American media?
(a) Comical, submissive, or childlike.
(b) Important but sly.
(c) Protagonist warrior.
(d) Important and professional.

7. Who expressed concern about a comic hero's sexual orientation?
(a) Newt Gingrich.
(b) Rush Limbaugh
(c) Pat Robertson.
(d) Frederic Wertham.

8. According to Mariah Burton Nelson in "I Won. I'm Sorry," what is the expectation for a female athlete winner?
(a) Suppress being feminine and be aggressive.
(b) Suppress aggressiveness and be feminine.
(c) Appear sorry but be aggressive.
(d) Appear dominating and competitive.

9. Who is Mrs. Tony, mentioned by Roy Rivenburg's article?
(a) A tiger character that briefly appeared in a Kellog's commercial.
(b) A cheetah character that briefly appeared in a Kellog's commercial.
(c) A cheetah character that briefly appeared in a General Mills commercial.
(d) A tiger character that briefly appeared in a General Mills commercial.

10. What is an example of gender code?
(a) An unmarried man.
(b) An unmarried woman.
(c) A lesbian woman.
(d) A gay man.

11. What is Michael Omi 's main point in his essay "In Living Color: Race and American Culture?'
(a) Race and minorities are positively depicted by the media.
(b) Stereotypical worldviews on race are perceived and depicted as a natural in popular culture.
(c) Stereotypical worldviews on race are perceived and depicted as social issues in popular culture.
(d) Views on race are depicted with political correctness by the popular culture.

12. What is the sign represented by cubicles in an office, according to Daphne Spain?
(a) Open communication.
(b) Cooperative working.
(c) Employee culture.
(d) Corporate structure.

13. What is the real competition in sports, according to the textbook authors?
(a) Competition for TV time.
(b) Competition for markets.
(c) Competition for money.
(d) Competition for athletes.

14. Which character is a computer-created icon, according to N'Gai Croal and Jane Hughes?
(a) Anne of Green Gables.
(b) Lara Croft.
(c) Barbie.
(d) American Girl.

15. What does the essay, "Warrior Dreams," by James William Gibson, point out?
(a) Men's fascination with paramilitary culture.
(b) Portrayal of American Indian warrior mascots in men's sports.
(c) Portrayal of American men's patriotism in the post Vietnam era.
(d) Men's dreams to become warriors.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the most American thing that he did, according to Kevin Jennings, the author of "American Dreams?"

2. What is the main point made in the essay "Larger than Life," by Jenny Lyn Bader?

3. What is theme marketing?

4. What is an example of personal space code?

5. Which of the following statements is false?

(see the answer keys)

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