Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Signs of Life in the U.S.A. Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sonia Maasik
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is the author of the essay, "More Factor?"
(a) Anne Norton.
(b) Laurence Shames.
(c) Thomas Friedman.
(d) Sonia Maasik.

2. Who is the most popular talk show host of the 1980s?
(a) Regis.
(b) Phil Donahue.
(c) Oprah Winfrey.
(d) Jerry Springer.

3. Which company's All-Bran ad promoted their product as a cancer preventing food?
(a) General Mills.
(b) McKee foods.
(c) Kellogs.
(d) Malt-O-Meal.

4. Fill-in the blank. The more popular the television show _________.
(a) The greater likelihood of celebrity characters in it.
(b) The less likely that students will skip watching it.
(c) The more time it takes to conduct semiotic analysis.
(d) The higher priced is the advertising.

5. According to Sandra Tsing Loh, the author of "The Return of Doris Day," how is a good girl movie character portrayed in a movie?
(a) A good girl movie character loves traditional things and pets.
(b) A good girl movie character is conscious of her image and undergoes plastic surgery.
(c) A good girl movie character adores her boyfriend and takes care of him.
(d) A good girl movie character is courageous and deals with a society that has problems.

6. What does glocalization refer to?
(a) Outsourcing work to local businesses across the world.
(b) Competing with local markets across the world.
(c) Globalization of American products in local markets.
(d) Adapting a global product to fit a local market.

7. What is the main argument of "Resisting the False Security of TV" by Tom Shales?
(a) Television should provide a sense of security during times of war and crises.
(b) The role of TV is to inform the people about what is happening during times of war and disaster.
(c) Television should not provide a false sense of security during war and national disasters.
(d) TV should protect people from the horrors of war and disasters.

8. What context should one consider first when interpreting a sign?
(a) Social life it promoted.
(b) Social image it promoted.
(c) Moral message it promoted.
(d) Decade/time in which it first appeared.

9. What is the factor that changed the semiotic message carried out by the cell phone?
(a) Advance of technology.
(b) Advance of Internet.
(c) Introduction of iPhone.
(d) Advance of commercialization.

10. Fill-in the blank. Authors posit that pop culture is a subject that is _____________
(a) Familiar to students.
(b) Popular with students.
(c) Easier for students.
(d) Popular with teachers and students.

11. What does Amanda Fazzone claim in her essay "Boob Tube?"
(a) Female TV actors and participants are rated for their sex appeal as well as their intelligence.
(b) Female TV actors and participants are rated for their sex appeal and not for their brains.
(c) TV shows focus on women's glamour and not their sense of style.
(d) TV shows focus too much on women's breasts and not on their talent.

12. What is Michael Parenti's argument in "Class and Virtue?"
(a) Hollywood supports class privilege and tends to represent the elite.
(b) Hollywood opposes class privilege and tends to represent the middle class.
(c) Hollywood represents the American ideals of virtue and classless society.
(d) Hollywood opposes class privilege but does not represent virtue.

13. According to the textbook authors, what is the best way to study popular phenomena?
(a) Question the facts from the Internet.
(b) Ask questions and question everything.
(c) Get the facts from the media.
(d) Question the facts from the media.

14. Fill-in the blank. The issue of "More Factor" dates back to the ___________.
(a) Pioneer ranch development and expansion.
(b) Occupation of lands owned by American Indians.
(c) Lewis and Clark exploration and expansion.
(d) Frontier days of land accumulation.

15. What is Semiotics really about?
(a) Taste and elegance in pop culture.
(b) Popular culture and lfe style.
(c) Life style and status.
(d) Power and ideologies.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are consumer interests encoded in?

2. Why are shows like West Wing popular, according to Todd Davis?

3. What is the main purpose of advertisers?

4. What does Susan Douglas examine in her essay"Signs of Intelligent Life on TV?"

5. Fill-in the blank. The significance of a sign does not depend on ___________________.

(see the answer keys)

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