The Sign of the Beaver Test | Final Test - Hard

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Sign of the Beaver Test | Final Test - Hard

Elizabeth George Speare
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. As Matt and Attean take leave of each other, who does Matt say he would like Attean's grandfather to meet?

2. At the celebration, what story does Attean tell to the villagers that are assembled?

3. On this early autumn visit to Matt's cabin, what does Attean tell Matt the Indian men are preparing to hunt?

4. When Attean tells Matt of the hardships his people faced, what is the reason he says that white men kill Indian people for?

5. What does Attean teach Matt that he could make a rain cape from?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Saknis receive Matt's declining the invitation to go on the hunt with his people?

2. Why is it ironic that Matt wonders how the Great Spirit that the Indians worship seem to be like the Indians themselves--i.e. a mighty hunter, very strong?

3. In spite of Attean not being in high spirits, he visits Matt shortly before his manitou. What is the significance of this visit at this time?

4. Since Matt has spent time with the Indians, how is he better able to make provisions for the winter?

5. Even though they are husband and wife, why do Saknis's feelings about the white man differ from the feelings of Attean's grandmother?

6. When Attean comes to say farewell, why does Matt to give Attean his father's watch and not the book?

7. As Matt misses his family and Christmas nears, how do his memories work for him?

8. How does Matt's reaction to the cleanup being relegated to squaws indicate that he is more accepting of cultural differences?

9. How is Matt and Attean's use of each other's language symbolic of their relationship?

10. How does such a violent act as killing a bear bring Matt and Attean into a relationship that for the first time seems like a friendship?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

How might Attean's mannerisms or brusque speaking patterns heighten Matt's uneasiness about Attean's motives or his intentions? In order to answer this adequately, refer directly to instances of Attean's actions or words.

Essay Topic 2

Even though Saknis is responsible for bringing up Attean, are there any significant ways in which Saknis and Attean are different? How does the reader sense the mutual love and respect they have for each other?

Essay Topic 3

The Sign of the Beaver certainly explores the plight of the native Americans. Yet there is much the reader learns about "the white man" from Attean. What image of the white frontiersmen emerges from this novel? In other words, how does the image of the white man that Attean speaks of compare or contrast to the actual white men (such as Matt, his father, and briefly, Ben) the reader encounters in the story?

(see the answer keys)

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