The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Siege of Krishnapur Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did the ladies battle over in the auction?
(a) lavendar toilet water.
(b) tea.
(c) a fine tooth comb to remove lice.
(d) sugar.

2. Who, besides Fleury, was affected deeply by the young orphan girl's death?
(a) the Collector.
(b) Harry.
(c) Dr. McNab.
(d) Dr. Dunstaple.

3. Who is the mother of the baby who is born and survives in Chapter 23?
(a) Mrs. White.
(b) Mrs. Browning.
(c) Mrs. Wright.
(d) Mrs. Bennett.

4. What finally happened to Harry?
(a) He returned to London and wrote a book about the siege.
(b) He became a General and married Lucy.
(c) He returned to London and became very wealthy.
(d) He stayed in India and was killed by a tiger.

5. What color were the flags flying in the cantonment in Chapter 25?
(a) red..
(b) white.
(c) Union Jack.
(d) black.

Short Answer Questions

1. Lucy had the ingenious idea of hanging a kettle over the fire from the leg of what piece of furniture?

2. What insects does Fleury observe in the banqueting hall in Chapter 27?

3. What do the Sikhs refuse to do?

4. Fleury was composing a poem about whom in Chapter 20?

5. What child died of a sunstroke?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who does Dr. McNab ask to look after the Collector and what transpires during that time?

2. What are some of the desperate measures the people take to obtain food?

3. Dr. McNab calls Miriam to help him in what kind of operation and what is Miriam suffering from in this chapter?

4. What table is used for the altar for the Wright baby's Baptism?

5. What does the collector do when he finds out what Rayne has been up to?

6. What does Dr. McNab refer to as having been successful in the treatment of cholera which alarms the onlookers?

7. What happens to Ford in Chapter 30 and what falls on the Collector?

8. Describe the incident of Ram, the sepoy , Fleury and Chloe in Chapter 27.

9. What desperate measure do the people take out of extreme hunger?

10. What does Fleury do for Louise's birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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