The Shrike Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Kramm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shrike Test | Final Test - Easy

Joseph Kramm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Jim answer Dr. Bellman's question in the final scene of Act 3?
(a) He tells the doctor that he would like some pills.
(b) He tells the doctor that he has already found a job.
(c) He tells the doctor that he does not need any additional psychiatric help.
(d) He tells the doctor that he does not need any medication.

2. What is Jim doing at the end of Act 2, Scene 5?
(a) Staring out the window.
(b) Playing a game.
(c) Sleeping.
(d) Sitting by the door.

3. What are some of the other patients doing in the background of the final scene in Act 2?
(a) Telling jokes.
(b) Arguing.
(c) Laughing.
(d) Singing.

4. According Jim in Act 3, Scene 4, when is he ready to be released?
(a) As soon as possible.
(b) Never.
(c) In a few days.
(d) Next week.

5. When does Act 3, Scene 4 take place?
(a) Three days after Act 3, Scene 3.
(b) A week after Act 3, Scene 3.
(c) Two days after Act 3, Scene 3.
(d) One day after Act 3, Scene 3.

6. Who does Jim talk to in the fifth scene of Act 2?
(a) Dr. Schlesinger.
(b) Ann.
(c) Dr. Barrow.
(d) Gregory and Miss Wingate.

7. How many attendants does it take to escort the patient out in the third scene of Act 2?
(a) Two.
(b) Four.
(c) One.
(d) Three.

8. What is Jim warned about after his "violent" outburst?
(a) Being sent home with Ann.
(b) Being sent to the psychiatric ward.
(c) Being sedated.
(d) Being sent to "seven."

9. According to Tom, what do some of the other family members think?
(a) That a reconciliation between Jim and Ann is the best idea.
(b) That Jim is crazy.
(c) That Ann is crazy.
(d) That a reconciliation between Jim and Ann might not be a good idea.

10. What does Miss Wingate tell Jim to do at the end of Act 2, Scene 3?
(a) Forget about both Charlotte and Ann.
(b) Make a decision quickly about Charlotte or Ann.
(c) Divorce Ann and stay with Charlotte.
(d) End his relationship with Charlotte and go back to Ann.

11. Who is included in the discussion taking place as Act 3, Scene 2 begins?
(a) Miss Hansen.
(b) Miss Wingate.
(c) Charlotte.
(d) Miss Cardell.

12. What does Jim do after talking with Ann in Act 3, Part 4?
(a) Smiles.
(b) Laughs.
(c) Cries.
(d) Yells.

13. What does Jim want to know in Act 2, Scene 5?
(a) When he can talk to Charlotte.
(b) When he can talk to Dr. Barrow.
(c) When he can talk to Ann.
(d) When he can talk to Dr. Bellman.

14. What has limited the number of visits Harry has been able to make?
(a) His family and business.
(b) His financial difficulties.
(c) His fear of hospitals.
(d) His gambling problem.

15. How many times has Harry visited Jim before Act 3?
(a) None.
(b) Twice.
(c) Three times.
(d) Once.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Harry, who is Jim's only chance to be released from the hospital?

2. Why does Ann tell Jim to endorse his paycheck to her?

3. What does Jim tell Dr. Bellman he wants to do in the last scene?

4. How is Jim feeling when Harry visits him?

5. Where is one of the other patients sent in Act 2, Scene 3?

(see the answer keys)

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