The Shrike Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joseph Kramm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Shrike Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Joseph Kramm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what way does Jim eventually respond to Dr. Bellman's first request?
(a) He refuses to comply.
(b) He requests to talk to a supervisor.
(c) He berates the doctor.
(d) He complies.

2. What is the weather like in Act 1, Scene 3?
(a) It is raining.
(b) It is snowing.
(c) It is sunny.
(d) It is cloudy.

3. What does Jim tell Dr. Bellman that Ann needed?
(a) A psychiatrist.
(b) Money.
(c) A job.
(d) A vacation.

4. When was Jim's last play?
(a) Several months ago.
(b) A few weeks ago.
(c) Several years ago.
(d) A year ago.

5. What does Dr. Bellman give Jim at the end of the second scene in Act 2?
(a) A physical examination.
(b) A sanity test.
(c) A scholastic test.
(d) Medicine.

6. How is Jim Downs brought into the hospital?
(a) On a gurney.
(b) He walks in assisted by his wife.
(c) In a wheelchair.
(d) He is carried by two ambulance drivers.

7. What is Dr. Kramer's evaluation of Jim in Act 1, Scene 3?
(a) He is fine mentally.
(b) He does not know Jim's status.
(c) He is not thoroughly healed physically.
(d) He is fine physically.

8. Where did Jim go right after he took the pills?
(a) To the kitchen.
(b) To his car.
(c) To the terrace.
(d) Outside.

9. What does Mr. Fleming tell Jim about the convalescent ward?
(a) Patients leave there more quickly than they think.
(b) Patients there do not want to leave.
(c) Patients never leave there.
(d) Patients do not leave there as quickly as they would like.

10. What did Jim want to confirm before his suicide attempt?
(a) That his G.I. Bill was in good standing, so that Charlotte would get the benefits.
(b) That his G.I. Bill was in good standing, so that Ann would get the benefits.
(c) That his apartment would be rented to another person.
(d) That his apartment lease would be paid.

11. Who is Gregory?
(a) A visitor for another patient.
(b) Jim's attendant.
(c) Another patient.
(d) A psychology expert.

12. What job does Jim currently hold?
(a) A teaching job.
(b) An office job.
(c) A manual labor job.
(d) He is unemployed.

13. What does Jim say when he becomes conscious at the end of Act 1, Scene 2?
(a) That he wants a cigarette.
(b) That he wants Charlotte.
(c) That he wants to die.
(d) That he wants a doctor.

14. Why does the doctor ask Ann about the name, Charlotte?
(a) Jim has the name and number on a note in his pocket.
(b) Jim mentioned the name in his letter.
(c) Jim told the doctor about Charlotte the week before.
(d) Jim keeps repeating the name.

15. What does Dr. Barrow ask Ann about Jim's letter?
(a) Why she didn't bring the letter with her.
(b) If there are any explanations for suicide.
(c) If she has a copy of it.
(d) If there are any explanations for Charlotte.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the nurse try to get away from Mr. Fleming?

2. How does Jim respond to Ann after he first wakes up?

3. What do patients reveal in a semi-conscious state, according to the doctor?

4. In the beginning of the play, what is critical to Jim's condition?

5. What does Dr. Bellman ask Jim in the beginning of Act 2, Scene 2?

(see the answer keys)

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