SHOUT Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

SHOUT Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 148 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of teacher tells Anderson that she should try out for sports teams in her 10th grade year?
(a) A biology teacher.
(b) A French teacher.
(c) A gym teacher.
(d) A math teacher.

2. When Anderson embarked upon her trip overseas, she wore a medal bearing the image of which saint?
(a) Saint Frances.
(b) Saint Anthony.
(c) Saint Augustine.
(d) Saint Christopher.

3. Anderson states that when she was not using her drug of choice, the only other action that would help her breathe was what?
(a) Camping.
(b) Painting.
(c) Writing.
(d) Reading.

4. Initially, Anderson was told that she would not be able to study abroad due to what type of problem?
(a) Emotional.
(b) Mental.
(c) Financial.
(d) Social.

5. What method of transportation did Anderson use to reach school during her time overseas?
(a) Moped.
(b) Bicycle.
(c) Skis.
(d) Train.

Short Answer Questions

1. Anderson describes attending what kind of event for the older brother in her host family?

2. What was the impetus for Anderson's first feeling of deep shame?

3. The haiku Anderson includes in the book is dedicated to whom?

4. Anderson's alcoholic parents were fond of what type of alcohol?

5. How did Anderson fend off a predatory male on her first occasion of fighting back?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Anderson, what element is necessary in order to heal from the trauma of sexual violence?

2. To what element of life is the metaphor of "chum" connected in the poem of the same name?

3. What kinds of successes does Anderson cite when demonstrating to the reader the emotional progress she had made by her eleventh grade year?

4. In the months immediately following IT's rape of Anderson, what main coping mechanism does Anderson use to cope with the trauma?

5. Provide an example of Anderson’s use of personification within a particular poem.

6. In what way did travel underscore for Anderson what she did not want to happen in her own life?

7. What event teaches Anderson that some words are too powerful ever to be spoken aloud?

8. What painful realization does Anderson have during high school in relation to her parents?

9. How does Anderson use sarcasm in order to make a point at the end of the poem entitled “ignorance” (83)?

10. What is ironic about the experience that teaches Anderson that some words are too powerful to be expressed aloud?

(see the answer keys)

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