Shooting an Elephant Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shooting an Elephant Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Orwell describe "Uncle Tom's Cabin"?
(a) Poorly written, but memorable.
(b) Frivolous and stupid.
(c) Childish and melodramatic.
(d) Boring, but well-executed.

2. Orwell refers to the art of which countries to prove that those who work outdoors are interested in nature?
(a) China and Japan.
(b) America and England.
(c) Egypt and Spain.
(d) Spain and France.

3. According to Orwell, spring is more noticeable for people in what areas?
(a) Rural.
(b) Rural and urban.
(c) Urban.
(d) Suburban.

4. According to Orwell, what do newspapers try to do when reporting on sports events?
(a) Cover up the enmity between opposing sides.
(b) Report as accurately as possible.
(c) Incite fans.
(d) Make their team look good.

5. What does Orwell say about the meaning of the poems he mentions in Chapter 17?
(a) They have profound meaning, though disguised.
(b) They have no meaning.
(c) They mean very little.
(d) They mean something different to each person who reads them.

6. In Orwell's ideal world, how would the quality of each work be reflected in its reviews?
(a) Only the poor works would be reviewed, so that people could avoid them.
(b) All works would receive equal treatment.
(c) Good works would get long, detailed reviews; poor ones would get only a few lines.
(d) Only the good works would be reviewed, so that people could seek them out.

7. According to Orwell, why might athletes try to cheat?
(a) They don't always understand the rules.
(b) They feel they are being discriminated against.
(c) They think it is the only way they will win.
(d) They are afraid of losing their contracts.

8. The murderer, according to Orwell, kills his victim to avoid what?
(a) Disgrace or scandal.
(b) Financial ruin.
(c) Divorce.
(d) Imprisonment.

9. What term does Orwell use to describe modern sports?
(a) "Fad."
(b) "Hobby."
(c) "Religion."
(d) "Cult."

10. How does Orwell feel about the quality of contemporary murder literature?
(a) It is good, but declining.
(b) It is good.
(c) It is poor, but improving.
(d) It is poor.

11. How does Orwell feel about winning by cheating?
(a) It's okay, if the cheating team is so far behind that winning one game won't affect the overall outcome.
(b) It is a win without honor or meaning.
(c) It's okay, as long as the other team is also cheating.
(d) A win is a win, regardless of how it is earned.

12. According to Orwell, what are the feelings between two teams in a sporting event?
(a) Hospitality.
(b) Ill-will.
(c) Friendliness.
(d) Sportsmanship.

13. What does Orwell use as an example of a new form of children's literature?
(a) The "Superman" comics.
(b) The "Penrod" series.
(c) The "Hardy Boys" series.
(d) The "Nancy Drew" series.

14. According to Orwell, what ideal is at stake in international sports competitions?
(a) Sportsmanship.
(b) Fairness.
(c) Skill.
(d) Prestige.

15. Orwell remarks that no one ever plants what type of tree?
(a) Apple.
(b) Maple.
(c) Oak.
(d) Walnut.

Short Answer Questions

1. Orwell states that books are the least expensive media pleasures, next to what?

2. Orwell refers to all of the titles in Chapter 16 as great examples of what?

3. How many reviews does the person in Chapter 14 write per year?

4. The subject of Chapter 14 reviews what?

5. What kind of person is Thibaw?

(see the answer keys)

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