Shoeless Joe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shoeless Joe Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Ray know Eddie?
(a) Ray bought Eddie's farm.
(b) Eddie is Ray's neighbor.
(c) Eddie knew Ray's father.
(d) Eddie is Annie's Godfather.

2. Where do Ray and JD Salinger plan to stop on their way from Chisholm to Iowa?
(a) A White Sox Game.
(b) Nowhere, Annie asked them to come straight home.
(c) An unnamed minor leauge ball park.
(d) A Twins game.

3. What is Moonlight Graham's first name?
(a) Archibald.
(b) Jerry.
(c) Moonlight.
(d) Raymond.

4. How did Moonlight Graham get that nickname?
(a) He walked outside at night with his uniform on.
(b) No one knows, he'd just always been called that.
(c) He was born during a blue moon.
(d) There was a lunar eclipse the first time he came to bat in the minors.

5. What was Doc Graham's wife's name?
(a) Bea.
(b) Kristy.
(c) Abigail.
(d) Alice.

6. What position did Moonlight Graham play in the major league?
(a) Left Field.
(b) Catcher.
(c) Right Field.
(d) First Base.

7. What does Ray pull from his wallet to give to JD Salinger?
(a) Moonlight Graham's baseball card.
(b) A fan letter written to Salinger.
(c) A picture of Ray's baseball field.
(d) All of the words the voice has spoken to him written down on paper.

8. Why does Ray ask if JD Salinger eats soybeans?
(a) Mark gave a lecture saying that's all Salinger ever eats.
(b) They are Ray's favorite food.
(c) Ray was simply making random conversation.
(d) They were driving by a soy bean field at the time.

9. After Ray returns from his road trip with Salinger, why is Richard in town?
(a) Richard heard the voice telling him to visit.
(b) Annie invited Richard to visit.
(c) Richard works for a carnival that has stopped in town.
(d) Ray's mother died and Richard is giving him the news.

10. What is the title of the article about Dr. Graham?
(a) "Magic Of The Moonlight."
(b) "A Ball Player For A Moment, A Doctor Forever."
(c) "A Player On A Field Of Dreams."
(d) "His Was A Life Of Greatness."

11. Where did Moonlight Graham grow up?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) Minnesota.
(c) Iowa.
(d) North Carolina.

12. How does Ray get through the locked door?
(a) He climbs through a window.
(b) He picks the lock by hand.
(c) He breaks the lock by kicking it.
(d) He climbs over the fence.

13. Why is Shoeless Joe Jackson confused to see Moonlight Graham in the stands?
(a) Shoeless Joe has no idea who Graham is.
(b) Graham should be playing in the game.
(c) Shoeless Joe only knew Graham as an older Doctor.
(d) Graham is Shoeless Joe's cousin.

14. Ray leaves JD Salinger alone in the hotel room and goes for a walk. How does Ray come across Doc Graham?
(a) Moonlight Graham appears like a ghost from Ray's field.
(b) Ray somehow time travelled.
(c) Doc Graham somehow time travelled.
(d) He never leaves the hotel room, it's all a dream.

15. Who saves Karin as she is choking on a hot dog bun?
(a) Ray.
(b) Gypsy.
(c) Moonlight Graham.
(d) Shoeless Joe.

Short Answer Questions

1. Having found out about the life of Dr. Graham, why can't JD Salinger return home to New Hampshire?

2. What condition is the field in when Ray returns from his road trip?

3. Who does the announcer say is the White Sox catcher?

4. What must Eddie have in his coffee?

5. What object does Ray treat with reverence as he touches it?

(see the answer keys)

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