Shizuko's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shizuko's Daughter Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Yuki apologize to Masa in Chapter 7?
(a) She has eaten all of the strawberries.
(b) She has broken the glass window screen.
(c) She has been mean to her grandparents.
(d) She has forgotten how to pray.

2. What are some of the things that Yuki does that are deserving of praise?
(a) Cleans the house and tends the garden.
(b) Wins spelling bees and serves as class treasurer.
(c) Wins track meets and serves as class president.
(d) Wins piano competitions and chess championships.

3. What is Yuki's school grade level in Chapter 5?
(a) Sixth
(b) Eighth.
(c) Ninth.
(d) First.

4. Which character is introduced in Chapter 5?
(a) Shizuko.
(b) Hideki.
(c) Yuki.
(d) Sachiko.

5. What is the only thing in the kitchen that has not been changed by Yuki's stepmother after she moves into the house?
(a) The wood floor.
(b) The curtains.
(c) The porcelain plates and saucers with tiny pink flowers on the rim.
(d) The persimmon-colored tea set inside the glass cabinet.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year does Yuki's father get remarried?

2. Select the character below who says, "I don't pretend. I hate you."

3. Why does Yuki feel queasy on the day of the wedding?

4. In Shizuko's dream at the beginning of Chapter 1, who is throwing rice cakes to a crowd?

5. Which of the following events takes place at the end of Chapter 1?

Short Essay Questions

1. During Takeo's heart attack in Chapter 14, what seems to be his pervading attitude?

2. Why does Yuki regret telling Sachiko and Mrs. Murai that her mother died in an accident? What does she wish she had said instead?

3. According to Yuki's stepmother, what does Yuki do to disturb her?

4. What happens at the end of Chapter 2 after Yuki changes her clothes for the wake?

5. Why does Yuki feel like she must go to a college that is far away from her parents?

6. What kind of personality does the young Tadashi have? What does he represent?

7. In the beginning of Chapter 9, Yuki is thinking about her attempt to convince Mr. Wada that she cannot dissect a frog. What reasons does she give Mr. Wada for being unable to complete the lab activity?

8. Describe how Mr. Kimura appears to ten-year-old Yuki.

9. Why does Mr. Kimura marry Aya? Why does he believe that his reason is not an inappropriate one?

10. Is Yuki tomboyish or does she behave more feminine during her childhood and early teens?

(see the answer keys)

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