Shizuko's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shizuko's Daughter Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of Chapter 12, why does Yuki wait until midnight to sneak into the attic?
(a) She is ashamed of her actions.
(b) The attic door is always locked and she must steal the key.
(c) She wants to wait until her father and stepmother are asleep.
(d) The attic is too hot during the day to enter.

2. In Chapter 10, why is Yuki unable to sleep the night Mr. Kimura visits the house?
(a) She can hear Mr. Kimura and Shizuko talking too loudly.
(b) She cannot stop thinking about divorce.
(c) She is worried about a swimming competition.
(d) She feels ill from the sandwich she had for dinner.

3. In the beginning of Chapter 13, what reason does Hanae give Hideki for throwing out Shizuko's old things?
(a) They are unsightly and cause Hanae distress.
(b) Room must be cleared for the new baby.
(c) The clothes are ruined, anyway.
(d) Yuki did not take them and they are cluttering the attic.

4. How does Shizuko help the golden carp as a schoolgirl?
(a) She stops a classmate from trying to hurt the carp.
(b) She puts the carp back in the water after it jumps onto land.
(c) She feeds the golden carp in a pond.
(d) She puts the carp in a clean watering pool.

5. At the end of Chapter 12, what does Yuki believe she is leaving behind as she moves to Nagasaki?
(a) Empty spaces.
(b) The garden Shizuko loved.
(c) Memories of Shizuko.
(d) The only place Yuki calls home.

6. In Chapter 14, what does Etsuko do with the flowers that Masa gives her?
(a) Sends a bouquet to Yuki.
(b) Weaves wreaths and basket decorations to sell.
(c) Creates beautiful table placements for Masa.
(d) Replants the flowers in the backyard garden.

7. What does Yuki find at the bottom of the boxes?
(a) Old tea sets.
(b) Shizuko's letters to Yuki.
(c) Family photographs.
(d) Shizuko's jewelry.

8. Why does Mr. Kimura marry Aya?
(a) It is a marriage of convenience.
(b) Aya makes Mr. Kimura laugh.
(c) Yuki made Mr. Kimura see why Aya is wonderful.
(d) Aya reminds Mr. Kimura of Shizuko.

9. Why does Aya want Yuki to come to her wedding?
(a) Yuki is the reason Aya met her husband-to-be, Mr. Kimura.
(b) Aya has a special present that she would like to give Yuki.
(c) Mr. Kimura requested that Yuki come to the wedding.
(d) Yuki should see how a proper wedding looks.

10. Select the character below who says, "I don't want to fit in."
(a) Mr. Kimura.
(b) Etsuko.
(c) Yuki.
(d) Takeo.

11. What does Yuki tell Hideki and Hanae before leaving for Nagasaki?
(a) She feels nothing but disdain for them.
(b) She will be writing every month to Hideki.
(c) She is going to become a famous artist.
(d) She does not think she will ever come back.

12. How does Mr. Wada react when Yuki tells him she does not want to dissect a frog?
(a) He thinks that Yuki is only joking.
(b) Mr. Wada is disappointed that Yuki cannot enjoy the scientific process.
(c) He is angry because Yuki is not telling the truth.
(d) He is proud of Yuki for explaining her beliefs in a logical way.

13. What does Yuki threaten Mr. Sato with in Chapter 15?
(a) A restraining order.
(b) A book.
(c) A fork.
(d) A rock.

14. What emotions does Hideki feel after Yuki leaves for Nagasaki?
(a) Pride and affection.
(b) Displeasure and anger.
(c) Longing and sadness.
(d) Guilt, annoyance, and relief.

15. In Chapter 15, what does Isamu tell Yuki as they sit in the garden?
(a) Masa is strong enough to move on from Takeo's death.
(b) Things will work out.
(c) Yuki's photographs are beautiful.
(d) There is nothing ugly about this world.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long is the speech on Monet's painting that Yuki recalls giving during Chapter 12?

2. According to Hanae in Chapter 13, what do the neighbors believe about Yuki's departure?

3. In Chapter 11, how has Yuki's grandfather changed since she last saw him?

4. What lesson does Yuki fail to learn from her grandfather?

5. Why does Yuki refuse to eat oyster soup for dinner when she is ten?

(see the answer keys)

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