Shizuko's Daughter Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Shizuko's Daughter Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 173 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 10 – The Golden Carp (August 1974).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Select the character who said, "If something happened to you, I would still go on."
(a) Yuki.
(b) Hideki.
(c) Aya.
(d) Shizuko.

2. What does Hanae's doctor mean when he tells her it is too late?
(a) She will never again look like a teenager.
(b) She will die soon of cancer; there is no point in pursuing treatment.
(c) She will never see again due to her extended exposure to cleaning chemicals.
(d) She can no longer have children; she waited too long to see him.

3. What does Shizuko pack from her yard to move to the new house?
(a) Flowers.
(b) The tea table.
(c) The garden spade.
(d) Bushes.

4. According to Hanae, the attic is full of:
(a) One thousand worthless things saved for Yuki.
(b) Cobwebs and mice.
(c) Evil spirits.
(d) Her off-season clothing.

5. How does Yuki feel about public speaking?
(a) It never makes her nervous.
(b) It makes her angry because no one listens.
(c) It makes her feel queasy.
(d) It never makes her happy.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to Hanae, what does Yuki do that most Japanese children are taught not to do?

2. At the end of Chapter 12, what does Yuki believe she is leaving behind as she moves to Nagasaki?

3. In Chapter 12, what is the first item of clothing that Yuki takes out of the boxes?

4. Select the character below who says, "She has not taught you good manners, it seems."

5. Select the character below who says, "I don't care. I can take care of myself. I'm not afraid of anything."

(see the answer key)

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